
Review Detail of Stray99th in Paradise of Infinity

Review detail


Tedious read. It's so unbelievably boring that I would rather read a no-effort fanfic of Avatar than this snooze-fest of a novel. The plots are overly complex, but not in a way that's meant to entertain. The author adds unto the original plot by mixing elements and characters that would be introduced in the future. The result? A cesspool of combined plots that's not only annoying to read, because it's stretched beyond belief, but also fails to add something new to the table. The Mc? Boring. He has no personality and his internal conflicts so unrelatable and foreign that I believe 90% of the could literally not care. Not to mention the characters making decisions and having dilemnas that didn't exist in the original with the author failing to provide a compelling argument as to why the decisions were made or why the character feels and think differently from the original. I don't think the author understand why fanfics exist. And looking at the author's mcs, it seems like he's struggling with making mcs with personality, which is ironic because he for some reason, with his mc's interactions, sells his characters as charismatic. There's a disconnect from how utterly boring his MCs and how the characters percieve them. It's just sad seeing this much effort go to waste because the author ignores the fundamentals to create his ideal fantasy SI. Fantasy being he has no idea how to make an attractive character because he most likely isn't attractive himself nor does he have a lot of experience with women, making his written interactions stale, inorganic and mostly relies on the character's reactive display to add on his MCs foundation.

Paradise of Infinity


Liked by 70 people




You are cruel, but fair.


You're right, the novel is boring.


to be fair Every Hoal is a Goal is much better for me, this one is a rewrite but the pacing is very slowww that i lost interest in it