
Review Detail of koshi_ in Irene The Lady Who Turned Down Fate

Review detail


A well thought out story! Here is my opinions about this book, –World background:- Everything is explained beautifully in great detail that I didn't find any problem in picturing the scenarios. –Update stability:- The author is giving daily updates which is worthy of admiration. –Story development:- Neither it's fast nor slow. Just the perfect amount of information is given at once so there is no chance of readers getting confused. And our dear author also knows how to create the right amount of mistery. For example, Rose and Violet's changing behaviour. –Character design:- Firstly, I will say about Irene. She is mixture of strength and kindness. She is drawn to be mature, and that is right thing to do since she is an adult in the body of a child. Then there is Ash. I just love that kid! he is so caring understanding. Sometimes It makes me wonder if he is reincarnated as well...? The Smith sisters, they are so cool! I just loved it when Kelly(I hope I remember the right name...) intentionally bumped and made the tea spill on the lady who was badmouthing Irene in tea party. Alan, he is said to be a cold Prince but he actually has sweet sides of him which he reveals in front of his dear ones. Prince Alfred and knight Ethan are my new favourite characters. The Empress, I just love that lady! Whenever I read about her, I can't help but feel like she is a goddess from mythological shows. Rose, Even though she is frustrating sometimes, I like her. Because she don't pretend to be nice. Meanwhile Violet, If the author will give me permission, I'll throw that girl out of the window. White lotuses are always irritating beings for me! Overall, I like the characters the author has created with their own flaws and strength. Writing quality– In this one, the author needs to work a little bit. There are some problems with the punctuation marks. For example, sometimes the author has used exclamation mark instead of question mark. There is a little problem with commas and typo mistakes as well. But worry not, downloading 'grammarly' and doing proofreading will surely do the magic. The story is awesome, all it needs to do is a little bit of fixes and we are good to go. So yes, those who are thinking weather they should read it or not, I would say go ahead! This book is worthy of appreciation. And with saying that I am putting my pen down (Ahem... I mean putting my phone down.) Wishing a smooth and happy writing to author 👍🏻💞


Irene The Lady Who Turned Down Fate


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First thanks a lotttttt for reading so far💜 And thanks a million and trillion for such a descriptive and thoughtful review!! I can't really describe how much happy your review made me. And I read all your comments and I am really really glad to know that you enjoyed the story!🥺🥺 And as for the characters info you wrote I am relieved to know that people are able to relate to what I want to show them, especially the fact that all the characters have their own flaws and strengths. And as for the grammatical mistakes I would be working on it🙏 Thanks again💫💫💫💫


No biggie, I'm glad to be of your service :)

MayDreamer:First thanks a lotttttt for reading so far💜 And thanks a million and trillion for such a descriptive and thoughtful review!! I can't really describe how much happy your review made me. And I read all your comments and I am really really glad to know that you enjoyed the story!🥺🥺 And as for the characters info you wrote I am relieved to know that people are able to relate to what I want to show them, especially the fact that all the characters have their own flaws and strengths. And as for the grammatical mistakes I would be working on it🙏 Thanks again💫💫💫💫