
Review Detail of America_Yea in Harry Potter : Arc of Embodiment ( Rewrite )

Review detail


So far with 9 chapters this feels like it should be a really good one. The author has not put any severe limitations on the growth of our character which shows they so far know how to handle a fairly strong one. any limitations so far are more natural feeling than an author level putting the breaks on it feels more like he's just simply only limited by the realities of his situation such as not being instantly ubher because he's young and magic just taking a lot of his pool to make something a bit too powerful for instance he was able to strengthen his bloodline but that took a large portion of his magic till he rests or meditates. No moving on to the inevitability that is negative aspects I dont care much for. the only and I mean ONLY part I haven't liked so much is the one time the character made and used a cultivator bs potion for blood refinement(and I only dont like that because it actually doesnt fit in with modern science at all the thought that we have black impurities sitting in our bodies should only apply to smokers or folk who have abused their bodies in some way or another since fat is actually essential to the body eliminating it actually would do more harm than good and make you more susceptible to diseases and many other detriments.) and if it stays that way I'll stay happy. overall 4.8 out of 5 from me. Ps for the author here; work on the updates a bit for that perfect score and remember our extensive studies in the translation community show that if you cut the chapter size down a bit to get more releases your novel can be more habit forming and far more popular than simmilar sized ones that only release a few times a week. think about it if you can make this novel a part of someone's daily routine the act of coming here to read becomes the same as getting a cup of coffee after waking up, a daily occurrence that they won't want to be without.

Harry Potter : Arc of Embodiment ( Rewrite )


Liked by 16 people




Personally I think this is going rather well at yhe moment and just needs more content I like where the MC is heading power wise he's getting strong sure but at a tempered rate for an op protag and I'm fine with that.


For your information the author puts severe limitations on the mc from mc not taking potions made of his AOE so don't misled others