
Review Detail of Dark_Fantazy in A Pervert's World

Review detail


This.....is uncomfortable to read. Even if you go on with the hope that, "no, it will get better", it's hard. Because one after another crazy ntr scenarios are thrown at you and you're left feeling either disgusted or angry. The MC in this novel is a plot device for the most part. He's an airhead who can't really think much and shows some human emotion from time to time when he's not fucking his mother, aunt, older sister who is suppose to love him but is already married and has a child and also get's fucked by MC's uncle and MC cleans that Uncle's cum from his sister's pussy before licking it......like ewwwww. That last sentence should be enough to show you what type of novel this is. A porno with no bottom line. Literally the most disgusting thing is supposed to be normal in the world of this novel. Even the MC who is supposed to be from our world doesn't mind all this stuff at all. In conclusion, spare yourself some mercy and move away from this novel if whatever I said is not something you despise to see in your novels.

A Pervert's World


Liked by 1 people




ignore that "not" in the last line.