
Review Detail of Nix_Phoenix in Lustful Life as The Supreme Primordial God

Review detail


Hello AKIRA_0 san. For your story there is nothing good to say in its own way, regarding dimensional travel I think you just have to choose where your MC is going because it must be a world that you know enough to make a normal MC presence without you. breaking your head like many but also everything depends on the main objective of MC 1-Conquer worlds and universes ??? 2-Have the biggest harem possible ?? 3-More power? .... Basically the lens of your MC allows your readers to understand why it is going to another universe. You want him to go with one of the women in his harem to another world, but there is also the universal travel rule unless the world has perfect similarities on energy manipulation like Fairy. . Tail and Dxd both use magic circles in the two demonic dragon gods and many other similarities so that technically these two worlds can merge without issue, people from each world can enter the other. But there are universes without magic like naruto for example the law of this universe is the chakra so I only see youkai or those who have learned senjutsu or toki could theoretically have gone there, we must not forget that only Mc has no multiversal Omniversal limit because he is not linked or connected to any other world than the one in which he was originally born, unlike his wives who are chained to their universe. hum to better understand the Infinity Gems of the universe of wonders for example only work in their universe because they are bound by the law of the world and the universe and as soon as they leave this universe they are worth absolutely nothing. nothing more (in Mc's case, the Infinity Gems are those women). For me, Mc has to go alone leaving a fragment of him powerful enough to dominate his world (Dxd) so that he can always trade with his fragment that he wants to have these girls and so he will always have control over himself and the world (Dxd) in his hands. AKIRA_O san I haven't forgotten one thing that Mc ton Mc is on Incarnation, he basically does what you will do alone, you can control him and no one else. Merci pour une si bonne histoire au faite si tu veux encore baisé avec se monde ton Mc pourrai prendre le control du système céleste sur a plus , je ne comment plus trop car il n'y a rien a redire ah oui juste une suggestion mais tu devrai classé les monde par niveau de difficulté Facile Moyen Difficile Ultime c'est juste un exemple de base

Lustful Life as The Supreme Primordial God


Liked by 3 people




Merci, je garderai ça en tête.😉


Ok d'accord reste juste cool. Bonne soirée

AKIRA_0:Merci, je garderai ça en tête.😉

Bro how can you say there is nothing good to say there is a lot of good things in this story I really don't understand guys like you.


ah my brother it's misunderstood when I say there is nothing good to say (it means there is nothing to add the story is perfect in its own way if you can find it my previous comment you will understand) since I used to comment I judged it this time there is nothing good to say otherwise I will have just repeated myself each time after all to say the same thing each time times it can get boring so I how if I have this something new to say as a comment, I appreciate the story it is for me that I try to warn the author of the risk of a multiverse trip afterwards a whole journey that has no incense (no real purpose) can demotivate the reader and also the rules of multiverse travel at least as far as I know. After all, a fiction must have a certain meaning otherwise we all lose interest in reading it, especially for a reader who does not know the worlds in which the story takes place. I hope to see the Zero_To_Hero problem fixed ???

Zero_To_Hero:Bro how can you say there is nothing good to say there is a lot of good things in this story I really don't understand guys like you.

I don't know if you noticed but I rated it 5 ***** so if there was really nothing good about this story, do you really think i would have given it the highest rating ???. You should be more careful before saying things like these: “Zero_To_Hero: Bro how can you say that there is nothing good in saying that there is a lot of good stuff in this story that I really don't understand from guys like you. '' You did not see the note that I gave him, you did not understand the true cense of my commantaire, you did not ask me directly why I said that before criticizing me. Anyway I do not take it badly but be careful some people will not appreciate this type of criticism especially in the commaire where we are free to say what we want and what goes through our heads without restriction.

Zero_To_Hero:Bro how can you say there is nothing good to say there is a lot of good things in this story I really don't understand guys like you.

Don't comment if you haven't read the whole thing. 😔

Zero_To_Hero:Bro how can you say there is nothing good to say there is a lot of good things in this story I really don't understand guys like you.