
Review Detail of sunny_mediratta in Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Review detail


I have read till ch 90. Maybe it’s just me but doesn’t it feel like the Mc is too obsessed with his training and his Pokémon. I get it, anyone would be super excited and would give it their all in such an exciting world. But seriously as a 4 year old (poke world) he is going out on adventures and already has Pokémon with silver stage and light purple potential. Like wtf 😳. Even if he is mentally much older, it’s too much. Especially if we consider that he can potentially live for thousands of years (poki world standard😱). Like he needs to stop for a couple of years and chill. Spend time with your parents as a kid, cause that time is never going to come back. Make friends, do something just not related to either growing stronger or making your Pokémon strong. I hope the author has addressed these things ahead and can take his character to be more considered towards others Especially his parents (just imagine having a child with genius potential in psych, aura and Pokémon training being as great Pokémon trainers as 16-20 years while just being 4 years old) For mews sake just chill for a while. The adventures are going nowhere, all in due time.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures


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