
Review Detail of Virtualab in Reborn as an Evolving Monster(old account)

Review detail


В начале было интересно читать, я понимал что у автора не так сильно развит навык писательства. Я старался прощать то, что главному герою приходят "подарки судьбы" от автора (слишком част). Но всё изменилось когда, казалось бы, нейтральный герой решил захватить мир, только потому что ему дали титул приемника короля демонов, с самого начала характер героя не склонялся к господству, но по воле автора он просто так решил стать королем демонов... Это худший показ мотивации от автора которое я читал (а я читал очень много). Я продолжу читать в надежде на то что автор улучшит свой автор писательства и перестанет допускать такие ошибки.

Reborn as an Evolving Monster(old account)


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Я назвал их дарами судьбы потому что их выдают по велению героя, такими темпами главный герой через 61 главу станет богом. И это я не преувеличиваю, слишком быстрое развитие героя, такими темпами автору будет некуда улучшать героя и в итоге он начнёт его ослаблять... Вы говорите что герой получает "дары судьбы" потому что он заперт в подземелье, но я скажу что он такой потому что вы так хотите. Вы слишком торопитесь и не хотите создавать каких либо трудностей герою. Я не требую чтобы у героя постоянно что-либо происходило, но если посмотреть со стороны, то герой не прикладывая огромных усилий прошел до 6 этажа, вы скажете что он терял спутников и иногда руку, но это не сильно влияет на суть происходящего, он создает новых спутников, отращивает новые руки. Вы слишком торопите сюжет, никак не раскрываете героя и даете ему странную мотивацию... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I called them gifts of fate because they are given out at the behest of the hero, at this rate the main character will become a god in 61 chapters. And I'm not exaggerating, the development of the hero is too fast, at this rate the author will have nowhere to improve the hero and as a result he will begin to weaken him... You say that the hero receives the "gifts of fate" because he is locked in a dungeon, but I will say that he is like that because you want him to. You are in too much of a hurry and don't want to create any difficulties for the hero. I do not demand that the hero constantly has something going on, but if you look from the outside, the hero without putting great effort went to the 6th floor, you will say that he lost companions and sometimes a hand, but this does not greatly affect the essence of what is happening, he creates new companions, grows new hands. You're rushing the plot too much, not revealing the hero in any way and giving him a strange motivation...

Adam_K47:Gifts of fate? It is too early to call them that although it is a funny name for that. There is a bigger picture here but it seems that you forgot that the MC is trapped inside a Dungeon for now.

In the beginning it was interesting to read, I understood that the author did not have so much developed writing skills. I tried to forgive the fact that the main character receives "gifts of fate" from the author (too often). But everything changed when the seemingly neutral hero decided to take over the world, just because he was given the title of the successor of the demon king, from the very beginning the character of the hero was not inclined to dominate, but by the will of the author he just decided to become the demon king... This is the worst display of motivation from the author that I have read (and I have read a lot). I will continue reading in the hope that the author will improve his authorship and stop making such mistakes. {the translation may be incorrect}


Ах да, из-за амнезии мало смысла в том что главный герой был человеком. В основном авторы дают амнезию главному герою потому что им лень писать историю персонажа, они, конечно, могут попытаться в будущем частично написать историю персонажа как воспоминания, но в этом уже мало смысла, ведь история персонажа определяет характер и мотивацию персонажа, если он "пустой" персонаж без воспоминаний и пытается делать что-то не свойственное им (просто потому что), то это показывает неумение автора написания нормальной мотивации главного героя.


Oh, yes, because of amnesia, it makes little sense that the main character was human. Basically, the authors give amnesia to the main character because they are too lazy to write the character's story, they, of course, may try in the future to partially write the character's story as memories, but this makes little sense, because the character's story determines the character and motivation of the character, if he is an "empty" character without memories and tries to do something not peculiar to them (just because), then this shows the author's inability to write the normal motivation of the main character.

Virtualab:Ах да, из-за амнезии мало смысла в том что главный герой был человеком. В основном авторы дают амнезию главному герою потому что им лень писать историю персонажа, они, конечно, могут попытаться в будущем частично написать историю персонажа как воспоминания, но в этом уже мало смысла, ведь история персонажа определяет характер и мотивацию персонажа, если он "пустой" персонаж без воспоминаний и пытается делать что-то не свойственное им (просто потому что), то это показывает неумение автора написания нормальной мотивации главного героя.

It seems you think of the character as a "reincarnated human". It is not only that the MC Mark has forgotten his past, but also that he completely lost any attachment with his past or his previous life. Although he used to be human, the character is a monster. Not a human inside a monster's body. Sure, his past will come in at some point in the story, but it is entirely irrelevant. Why would you assume that a past life would be important or would have a significant impact on the next one?

Virtualab:Oh, yes, because of amnesia, it makes little sense that the main character was human. Basically, the authors give amnesia to the main character because they are too lazy to write the character's story, they, of course, may try in the future to partially write the character's story as memories, but this makes little sense, because the character's story determines the character and motivation of the character, if he is an "empty" character without memories and tries to do something not peculiar to them (just because), then this shows the author's inability to write the normal motivation of the main character.

Gifts of fate? It is too early to call them that although it is a funny name for that. There is a bigger picture here but it seems that you forgot that the MC is trapped inside a Dungeon for now.

Virtualab:In the beginning it was interesting to read, I understood that the author did not have so much developed writing skills. I tried to forgive the fact that the main character receives "gifts of fate" from the author (too often). But everything changed when the seemingly neutral hero decided to take over the world, just because he was given the title of the successor of the demon king, from the very beginning the character of the hero was not inclined to dominate, but by the will of the author he just decided to become the demon king... This is the worst display of motivation from the author that I have read (and I have read a lot). I will continue reading in the hope that the author will improve his authorship and stop making such mistakes. {the translation may be incorrect}

Дело в том что из-за того что о герое знаешь только то что он был когда-то человеком, но больше ничего, перестаешь воспринимать его как человека и как бывшего человека, он просто персонаж, он не чувствует никаких угрызений и у него нет принципов. Если бы вы сказали что наш персонаж всего лишь необычный монстр подземелья, то он бы, почти, никак не отличался. И для воспоминаний, по моему мнению, уже поздно, надо было хотя бы после первого стража сделать воспоминания... ----------------------------------------------------------------- The fact is that due to the fact that you only know about the hero that he was once a man, but nothing else, you stop perceiving him as a human and as a former human, he is just a character, he does not feel any remorse and he has no principles. If you said that our character is just an unusual dungeon monster, then he would be almost no different. And for memories, in my opinion, it's too late, it was necessary to make memories at least after the first guardian...

Adam_K47:It seems you think of the character as a "reincarnated human". It is not only that the MC Mark has forgotten his past, but also that he completely lost any attachment with his past or his previous life. Although he used to be human, the character is a monster. Not a human inside a monster's body. Sure, his past will come in at some point in the story, but it is entirely irrelevant. Why would you assume that a past life would be important or would have a significant impact on the next one?

The story os the way that it is for a reason. I am not trying to convince if you do not like it that is completely fine, of course it is not to everyone's taste.


The character is not a Hero. He is not a human either. It's in the Title. He is a monster, therefore he acts monstruous.