
Review Detail of ComatoseDragon in The Author's POV

Review detail


Alright, enough is enough. I got to Chapter 87 before I couldn't take anymore and quit. Usually when I ultimately drop novels, I go check the comments and see if I was being unreasonable and biased towards the novel, but I found a comment by the Author that said, "Its sort of like a novel where you just have to shut your brain off to understand. If you overthink too much, yea, it becomes painfully obvious how many flaws there are." And coincidentally, I came to that same realization just before reading that comment. There are way too many problems in the underlying flow of the story. The breaks and inconsistencies between logic in the novel isn't noticeable at first glance, but if you take another look it is actually glaring and obvious. Example 1: World suffered 2 cataclysms and invaded by demons. Humans only control 2/8s of Earth's territory, but there is zero desperation for survival by the Human faction. Instead, the humans are too busy infighting and killing each other over meaningless pride and wealth. However, these same humans are all training to get stronger to throw themselves at the Demons with zero concern if they live or not. If these 'Guildmasters' and 'Union Heads' actually cared about their position and influence, they would think of ways to advance their strength and technology to protect their power, rather than engage in civil war, like the Parker and Roshfield families did because the Parker's 3rd son was too stupid to realize he was sexually harassing the daughter of the Mayor. My second major gripe with the novel is the way characters are carelessly inputted in certain situations just to act as a foil to the main characters. This is related to the previous example of bad logic and story flow: the Author has read one too many Chinese Cultivation Novels because he throws around more 'arrogant young masters' than 'Emperor's Domination'. NONE of these 'arrogant young masters' in 'The Author's POV' have sufficient reason to be as arrogant as they are, but they are arrogant, pretentious, idiotic, and obscene just because the Author wants a 'villain' to confront the main character. Furthermore, it is distinctly obvious there is 2 categories of characters in this novel: 'Main Characters' and 'Mob Characters'. Obvious why? Say hello to Kevin, Amanda, Samantha, Melissa, Thomas, Tim, Edward, Brandon, Martin, etc. Just the way the Author names these characters is indicative enough to show how little care he has for these characters, because he can just toss in another one at any time and call them Tom, D---, or Harry. 3rd gripe: the Demons have illogical amounts of influence in human territory. For some reason, the Demons are able to contract any human they target with zero detection and the contracted can also walk around humans without any concern. Former Ren's childhood friend Mathew was literally able to contract a demon while living in Humanity's capital city and deceived Former Ren into having his parents' drink a potion with a Mindbreaker curse. Now Mathew can blackmail Ren however he wants to without a care in the world. Author, I know you are a nice person and trying to learn and get better, but COME ON, CUT THIS ---- OUT PLEASE. Stop writing whatever you want because you want the MC to face situation 'a' so he can do 'b'. You need to take a second to think and take another second to reread and figure out if what you're writing has any semblance of sense or logic. This stupid encounter forced me to drop this novel even though I was interested to see how Ren got together with Amanda and his other future friends. However, even after I resolved myself to 'turn off my brain' to read this novel, Ren as a character was making me throw a fit. He is too noncommittal and wishy-washy. Even after he resolved himself to kill a villain because they committed inexcusable crimes, Ren still has the time to whine and cry about killing someone. Grow up. This type of behavior is the same as someone who wouldn't kill someone trying to murder their family in front of them because he doesn't want to 'kill another human'.

The Author's POV


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DO u have discord? Id like to talk to u in person.. (texting) I can explain and share my tho ughts


"Ren still has the time to whine and cry about killing someone. Grow up. This type of behavior is the same as someone who wouldn't kill someone trying to murder their family in front of them, even though they have the power to save their lives if they kill the murderer." The last sentence isn't disputing right or wrong. It is simply stating that if you resolve yourself to do something, then don't do it if your resolve is half-hearted. Don't wallow in self-pity or dwell on hindsight. Don't take a responsibility you cannot handle and not deal with the consequences. Don't point your weapon at someone if you don't want them to point their weapon at you.


There are supposed to be plot holes early on. Not because it’s expected but because they’re important. The more you think it doesn’t make sense the better the twist will be when everything comes together.