
Review Detail of CandeeMichelle in My Genius Sister is Only Seven!?

Review detail


Ok so the book has an end, which is more than I can say for a lot of books on here so there’s that. BUT the final 20 chapters were horribly rushed through. The characters never had a chance to fully develop into adults and although i cannot pin point any plot holes i think there was still a lot of places this book could have gone but didn’t. There are the obvious misuse of pronouns, confusion on names and grammatical errors that are very common among all the books on this app but all in all it wasn’t difficult to read. But there isn’t any real character or world development that makes us excited to read more, nor does it paint enough of a picture that we can imagine it in our minds. All in all read it if you are extremely bored with nothing else to read, otherwise it isn’t worth it. Sorry.


My Genius Sister is Only Seven!?

Tong Tong

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