
Review Detail of Master_Of_gu in Call Of The Dao

Review detail


The novels have become frivolous, boring, and perverted because of the author. He needs to read my comment just to benefit: the handsome hero with a friendly and kind family, a beautiful and warm mother, a beautiful or domineering sister, a likable and shy little brother, and a strong-hearted father, of course always the hero's family people They are good and enforce the law and love people of course they are angels, you will not find the hero's family of sadistic villains, thieves and murderers. And all the girls in the world of course only who have a dazzling beauty need his help, and those poor little girls feel the responsibility to help and save them, the hero whose biggest concern when he gets super power is to save humanity and the world. Something disgusting and vulgar all the novels have become a deviant character. The reader hates such novels because they have nothing to do with human truth, because they depict angels of peace and love. We wish the authors to change this trivial pattern and show us the true human instincts. Selfishness, anger, murder, theft, arrogance, pride, fraud, deception, impersonal, self-interested, does not care about anyone, does not interfere in the affairs of others, does not help people, this is how the novel will become interesting You will not be able to predict the actions of the characters The events will become unexpected And enthusiastic, and it will bring a new revolution in the field of novels because such a character does not exist. There is one novel that I know is Revenend insanity. I guarantee you the success of your novel even if you are a beginner. Don't make the hero crazy, don't make him stupid, make him only care about his interests

Call Of The Dao


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Ok, first, thanks for the review. Now then, how does anything you say reflect in my novel? Where have I depicted him as a hero? How was his family 'angels'? In fact they treated him as a cultivation tool. Next your tirade is based on your opinions, just because society has a lot of negatives doesn't mean there's no positive side. So you liking R.I doesn't mean every novel should be like that, and besides those 'Angels of peace' that you hate, who do you think they are fighting? Them fighting guys with qualities that you have listed makes it the same as R.I only that you're reading it under a different perspective. That aside, your review might mislead someone to think different of the content. So to anyone reading this, the novel is about a boy with mysterious origins. At first he might come of as uninteresting but that's more intentional as in later chapters, he's slowly learning who he is and showing more emotions. It's important to note that he is not arrogant and cold but rather uninterested in things as unconsciously, he knows he's above them. The first chapters are not that good, but that's because I'm a first time author with zero experience, but it gets better the more you read, this might personal bias.


Thank you my friend for your understanding, I am speaking in general and not exactly your novel, because at first I still wished that your characters would become more realistic or human. I wish you with all my heart success. By angels, I mean the feelings that appear on the hero in terms of love, sympathy, compassion, and morals, and that he does not do bad things, although they will be useful for his development. . I hope you unleash your imagination, break boundaries, and write as if you were living in a novel


As I said, thanks for the review.

Master_Of_gu:Thank you my friend for your understanding, I am speaking in general and not exactly your novel, because at first I still wished that your characters would become more realistic or human. I wish you with all my heart success. By angels, I mean the feelings that appear on the hero in terms of love, sympathy, compassion, and morals, and that he does not do bad things, although they will be useful for his development. . I hope you unleash your imagination, break boundaries, and write as if you were living in a novel

The above is going around and copy/pasting this exact review on multiple works. Dont take offense to their review as they probably have not even read your work, although its not very joyous to get 3-Star reviews when the review doesnt relate to your work.

Senior_elder:As I said, thanks for the review.

Yeah, he is a massive troll. He is that annoying guy you never want to be around with.

MarieDaye:The above is going around and copy/pasting this exact review on multiple works. Dont take offense to their review as they probably have not even read your work, although its not very joyous to get 3-Star reviews when the review doesnt relate to your work.