
Review Detail of Drake_20043257 in Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Review detail


I read all the chapters and when it came to chapters above 600 I can clearly say that the author is clearly using Chat GPT for the chapters. because of this I get irritated by unwanted descriptions and an unknown old story like sentences where words like testimony to his long life,testimony to his powers. unwanted descriptions to make the chapters more big and to do so author used Chat GPT and because of that many times reading the chapters inbetween the scenes the tone of the writing changes and it really makes the whole experience of reading the chapters real bad. I know that those sentences using AI comes very very rarely but when that comes it really makes me think of stop reading and supporting this novel because it just makes me irritated by that. I don't know about other readers but for me everything about this novel other than after some chapters i.e after 600 chapters Writing Quality fall to a very low level because of addition unwanted descriptions in between the protagonists looks and sentence like because of him the air become this and that because he is a demon bla bla... . well using descriptions once or twice is all right but many times too much and that's not the thing but the discription doesn't even match up to the story. I just want to say to author is that just don't use AI to make the chapters bigger and if used just change the tone of the sentences

Dungeon of Pride, Laplace


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