
Review Detail of Will_of_Thousands in Dimensional Descent

Review detail


I want to start off with this is a great work. it gets repetitive when the enemies became carbon copies of each other at different power levels. I honestly didn't have a problem with the plot until the author started doing this bs with this false arrogance based on power and experience he doesn't have. I've read to 2254 and I can't stand this bs. He gets upset when people underestimate him or kill the people close to him but heaven forbid he actually tries to prevent it by getting stronger before the problem happens. it's total bs that good flushed out characters who genuinely make the story interesting have to die for this dude to get off his ass. it's like the author gave up on creating interesting Villains and decided the mc needed to have a stick so far up his ass that he looks down on people who are perfectly capable of ripping him and everyone he cares about to shreds. all I'm gonna say is that if his girlfriend is truly dead then I'm dropping cause it's total BS. totally not needed and totally could have been avoided. hyped up the enemy, kills off his girl, then in the next paragraph Leonel wins with little to no fight because he's angry now and throwing a tantrum. like wtf happend to the calulatiave, funny, easy going, try hard who was unwilling to take a loss laying down. dude became a crybaby and an emotional wreck in the span of 300 chapters. for those that make it here sorry I ranted but I am just genuinely disappointed that such a solid story has taken this turn which you normally see in low quality novels.

Dimensional Descent


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