
Review Detail of The_Bean_God in Man of steel in marvel

Review detail


Since this is a Google translate book I expected it to be bad, and it is, but I wasn't expecting this. The first chapters are like a first impression, so make it good. First there is the inconsistency in spelling of names, second the flash forward at the end of chapter 1 immediately flowing into a flash back at the beginning of chapter 2. That's not even a full 2 chapters and I had to stop. I suggest that you use Grammarly and reread your work. Even if English isn't your first language you should be able to read your own work enough to understand it.

Man of steel in marvel


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wait so where can I read the real thing?

voiid:and the mistakes of the story itself is because I’m really stupid. I never wrote a story in my life

the only reason i'm posting in english is because i think it makes people more read. believe me, if it were in my native language, there would be no grammatical errors, but it is not. all grammatical errors are the fault of the Google translator. and do you notice the time when I post the chapters? at the end of the night ... I don’t put in that time because I want to, because I work and I only have time on the weekend, but even coming back tired from work, I still turn on the computer, I try to translate the best possible, with the tools available and post and I'm going to sleep. and I'm not fluent in English, so how am I going to revise the text in a language I don't speak? I review the original material and when I fix some errors, I translate it on Google and post it


and the mistakes of the story itself is because I’m really stupid. I never wrote a story in my life


I appreciate that you have a job and still take time to write, however as I said in ny review there is Grammarly, which is a tool you can use to edit your work. Also since there isnt a deadline for you to upload you should have time to edit or have someone else edit your work.

voiid:the only reason i'm posting in english is because i think it makes people more read. believe me, if it were in my native language, there would be no grammatical errors, but it is not. all grammatical errors are the fault of the Google translator. and do you notice the time when I post the chapters? at the end of the night ... I don’t put in that time because I want to, because I work and I only have time on the weekend, but even coming back tired from work, I still turn on the computer, I try to translate the best possible, with the tools available and post and I'm going to sleep. and I'm not fluent in English, so how am I going to revise the text in a language I don't speak? I review the original material and when I fix some errors, I translate it on Google and post it