
Review Detail of Motherpupper in The Beautiful Monster

Review detail


I honestly just stated reading this because I wanted to get my credits for daily recommendations. Then I realized I actually liked it. The writing is straightforward but clean. What I can’t stand are writers who can demonstrate a certain standard of grammar and style but don’t maintain it because of carelessness or due to a lack of proofreading. This writer respects her readers’ experience and I appreciate that. Female lead is relatable. I’m only at chapter 13 but I appreciate that her insights are paired with vulnerability, which is the true human experience, striving for improvement while being observant of our imperfections. I’m intrigued with the story enough and I’ll keep reading until the chapters will annoyingly be held hostage. I’m a Gen X-er who is used to reading a book in her hands from start to finish without having to jump through hoops like a dog for each chapter. But, here I am, wagging my tail and sniffing with interest at this story ;)


The Beautiful Monster


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Hy! Thank you for the review. I will pin it🥺💜