
Review Detail of FearlessCloud01 in Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Review detail


Author here. This is my slightly shameless review ("slightly" because even I know that I don't write great) I'm completely new to this novel writing thing, so keep that in mind when you read/review/comment... please... And this is, in fact, a bit of a wish-fulfillment. Keep that in mind... Like I mentioned in the author's note, I am sick of the series where Cultivation and/or China get taken as the best and science, technology and the rest of the world is taken as useless. Everyone just seems to love watching guys sit around meditating and fighting. Like, if you want to meditate, just find ways and do it for longer periods of time than wasting your time on fighting others for no reason! Also, why the heck do you need to scream out the name of the move you're using before you use it? This issue of naming techniques has been addressed in other series but, so far, there hasn't been much that can point out the obvious flaws in the stuff cultivators do. Most of the times (In series with scientifically minded people), I just see tech geniuses waste away their IQ while cultivating and constantly fighting others for stupid reasons... There just isn't enough of series against the BS shown in cultivation series. So, what this series is going to be is MC using only technology and science to destroy any such stubbornness and stupidity that fantasy energy users tend to do. The inspiration for the system and use of technology came from Lumydee's "I'm the King of Technology" and though I had been thinking about writing this for some time, the final push came after reading Bristlecone's "Level System vs Cultivation Methods" . Like I have mentioned in author's note, I'm no artist. So don't go around expecting a cover page. I do like learning languages so I will use different ones in the story (only little bits, but the story remains in English). However, due to restrictions by webnovel, I will only use English to write them, not their respective scripts. Anyone with questions can ask (as long as they're honest questions and not something to make fun of the story)

Wrecking Fantasy with Technology


Liked by 6 people




but then again , there is a difference between anti personnel and anti everything weapons , i would say as long as they don't literally break laws of physics (such as frame rate of eyes, ability to change nearby laws of nature,) becuz what would rather have powers which have huge time cost , (meaning each death is more costly to anyone) or huge manpower and resource cost (easily solvable thru money), so unless the tech faction is specially curtailed in capital , then the tech will largely be more powerful , do not forget that even today we have weapons which are literally light speed (lasers) which are undetectable at range and impossible to dodge, literally and weapons which fight bvr, you never see immortals fighting bvr

SCP3812:may I just say, I haen't read the novel yet but, in my opinion cultivation vs tech, cultivation is superior so long as a cultivator can go to super human standards, the reason is because modern tech leaves too much collateral damage and then there are the resource costs, and manpower costs if these few factors can be fixed and the level of cultivators isn't above a certain level (around what in most novels is nascent soul) then only then is tech superior to cultivation, magic or the pther cultural/spiritual paths

may I just say, I haen't read the novel yet but, in my opinion cultivation vs tech, cultivation is superior so long as a cultivator can go to super human standards, the reason is because modern tech leaves too much collateral damage and then there are the resource costs, and manpower costs if these few factors can be fixed and the level of cultivators isn't above a certain level (around what in most novels is nascent soul) then only then is tech superior to cultivation, magic or the pther cultural/spiritual paths