
Review Detail of Cmking in Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Review detail


So far I tried to read many fanfictions but I didn't like any of them because of how cringe they are and how bad written they are....for real the plot of fanfictions is usually so cringe and bad and I didn t find any one worth reading untill I found this. The plot is good... the comedy in it is top notch like the manifestation of the dao of shamelessness it s sooo funny and i cant get enough... the 3rd Hokage is so cool in here and even though the mc is training all the time it didn t make it feel repeatable or boring ...in the contrairy i enjoyed how the process of how he got stronger. The pace at which he got strong was good too...It didn t make him look overpowered from the start. to be honest, I like everything about the novel please keep writing as i cant get enough from it. I did some research and I know how hard working the author is trying to find writing material...I appreciate your hard work. I cant thank you enough for this fanfic masterpiece

Naruto : The Wind Calamity


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