
Review Detail of Noire_Nova in My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Review detail


Oh. Where do I start with this dissapointment? I call it a ‘dissapointment’, not a ‘failure’ as it really had the potential to be something pretty extraordinary. The system was honestly pretty engaging, the mechanics and pacing were decently well-timed and the underlying plot seemed to be promising. This is about as far the pros get, though. You see, as soon as I read about the main character having a family, I immediately promised myself I would stop reading if they don’t immediately die afterwards, for fear of it going down the path of so many other less-than-mediocre works. Though just as I was starting to feel like the author had finally had some sense knocked into them, the novel takes a deep-dive into social interaction, with videocalls and trading and whatnot, introducing us to multiple unidimensional characters, one of which being a relative - a friend of the main character’s father. Awkward is the best term I could use to decribe their interaction. I can only see the main character’s ‘family’ as burdens honestly. The same goes with any other character the main character seems to want to treat well/care for. Speaking of characters, the main character himself is just annoying to read. Not only is there hardly anything noteworthy or unique about him or his personality, but his hypocritical so-called ‘justice’ is just revolting. In short, he’s indecisive, weak-minded (in more ways than one) and acts however the author seems to want him to act, undergoing ridiculous mood-swings, IQ drops and attitude changes. He, like all the other characters, does not feel remotely multi-faceted. I’ve read of characters in a 5-lined poem more 3-dimensional. Sadly, this does seem to be par for the course with most Chinese webnovels. They are either masterpieces (they need not be named here) or complete time-wasters. Personally, I don’t mind that the main character does not undergo much growth, or that he isn’t reacting ‘realistically’ to the apocalyptic scenario. What I despise more than anything else is the mindset of the main character himself. What can I say? I abhor these narrowminded, hypocritical ‘goody-two-shoes’ characters that can’t seem to open their eyes to reality no matter how much it is shoved into their faces. This problem is made even worse with the stench of nationalism growing ever more distinct the further one reads. I understand that the nation the main character was born and raised in would be recieving a significant degree of glorification and partiality due to the perspectives we read the story through, but the extents the author seems to go with this is just downright uncouth. I have more to say, but I will end it there as thinking about it just serves to remind me how much of a letdown this truely was. Please note: At the time of this review’s posting, I have read around half of the current available translated chapters (~150).

My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Catty Catty Catty

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