
Review Detail of JuicyWetPizzaCream in Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years

Review detail


I had previously read this in it upon release, but i later stoped due to be annoyed over the mcz behavior / -actions. — The protagonist is a former cancer patient who was hospitalised from a young age. During this time, he has been through multiple operations, all of which caused him great pain. With death at his front door, he decided to return home and simply wait for dearth. Catching wind of an old school cultivation game. Our protagonist became somewhat obsessed, or at the very least, very intrigued by the game. One night while playing the game, he decided to stay up till dawn. A decision that later cost him his life. Waking up after his death, the mc is reborn within the game which he so adamantly liked in his previous life. In this life line, his parents are run away slaves who abandoned him at at birth. Spending his life as a slave, our protagonit recives his own system, a system which provides him with the opportunity to become a cultivator. His system gives him an option to pick his own talents and body constitucion. Allowing him to choose through a cacha re-rolls. Something which allows him to roll for different types of talents until he finds the right talent or constitucion for him. Taking 11- 18 years to find the perfect fit for himself. In his time cultivating, our mc advances in cultivation relatively quickly. Advancing without the slightest bit of hardship. The story lacks action, and is very boring to say the least. In all honesty, the only reason why I decided to stay is due to all the powerful skills the system gives to him. Our mc in my opinion is very stupid. I understand that our mc had been diagnosed with cancer at a young age. However, in this world, our protagonist is already past 50 years of age. Within these years, you'd expect him to mature a bit, right?. No, he still acts immature and belittles others for something which they don't have that he himself has. These scenes are not so apparent, but they still get on my nerves. I mean… Why can't you just be the bigger person and let it go? Why whisper words of disgust about a person you don't even know well? Interactions between each character are pretty plain, and nothing really draws them out. They have nothing going for them and are basically irrelevant for the rest of the story. Yea they may appear later on. However, just like their first appearance, they are nothing to the main story plot. In the 50 plus years our protagonist has spent in this cultivation world, he has never once picked up a book to learn about his surroundings. All he ever does is cultivate 24/7. Good and hard working as he may be, it is because of this reason that it's annoying watching him cower at the unknown. He knows nothing of the continent or world he's currently in right now, or the mass amount of beast in the world. He doesn't know what should be common knowledge in this world, which in turns makes the story boring asf. He neither likes danger nor fight, something which is completely understandable. This however is what's supposed to build up our protagonist. Our protagonist faces no detrimental obstacles whatsoever. He is handed everything by the system. I see no problem with it, but you can't really build up an interesting story with how easy you’re making things for our protagonist. You need something to draw out our protagonist's charm. Something which would draw out the audience to find reason for his actions, allowing us to understand him more and place ourselves in his shoes. Fighting multiple close call battles which could have very well caused his death at the slightest mistake. Learning about the world and its inhabitants. Incoeperat learnt knowledge into creating his own understanding of techniques, or to allow for more options in future actions. Allowing him to have more meaningful and interesting interaction with other side characters. Leaving his comfort zone to pursue his goal, immortality. Giving out reasonable enemies which would help build his character, exposing him to the evil of the world. Etc. These things would greatly help our mc who was previously hospitalised for most of his life, to learn about the outside world, helping him mature over his interactions between those of this world and the hardships he's been through. — I get that the premise is him being low key, dont get me wrong... But is he really low key as he wants to be? Now before anyome goes off at me, please note that thos is only for the first 20ch. Ill undate when i reach ch100. Also note... The star rating may be low. however, that doesn’t mean this isnt good. Character build may be lacking, but its still a somewhat fun read :3. - It is about time for me to sleep. Peace ✌️

Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years

Let me laugh

Liked by 1 people




ur just sad this aint ur typical stupid op mc where everything goes his way and villians are dumb af and mc aint harem seeking cause he is a chad.


Writing on a cracked fkd up iphone6, so dont mind the incorrect or grammar. I hadnt taken time to re read it for any flaws or anything.


Truth be told mc is stupid, op and everything goes his way while the enemies are dumb af and harmless. This review is quite nice, im at the chapter 384 and he has only gone from being a 100 years old kid to being a 5000 years old kid.


1 - The mc is infact very stupid! 2 - Everything does indeed go his way, and if by chance it doesnt... Its due to him being stupid and not thinking for the betterment of his future. He has the ability, yet neglects them and only focuses on the present. 3 - although not all. There is nothing wrong about the villains in the novel per say, but their mention or appearance isn’t actually worth the time. They either get overwhelmed and killed straight away or get killed by our protagonist curse. They are nothing more than beings placed where they are by the auther in order to apply some sort of pressure, only to get easily killed off. They are basically there to add in more plot into the already plain story. 4 - i never once said i wanted a haram seeking Mc. All i ask for was better interactions between him and the side characters, as they simply apear and disappear without giving us viewers time to harbor any forms of connections for them. ( same goes for the mc himself ) Nothing about any character is worth taking time to know better. 5 - He is already op asf. Did u take time to even read my review???

Enternel_Life:ur just sad this aint ur typical stupid op mc where everything goes his way and villians are dumb af and mc aint harem seeking cause he is a chad.

I get where ur coming from since im caught up to the latest aswell. The previous review was done under ch 1-20, so i didnt wanna jump the bucket and go off about everthing bad about this. Iv already prepared my sec review of this, but its just too long and i cant be bothered finishing it off rn. I like this novel as simple entertainment, but not as a story driven novel.

Coliflor:Truth be told mc is stupid, op and everything goes his way while the enemies are dumb af and harmless. This review is quite nice, im at the chapter 384 and he has only gone from being a 100 years old kid to being a 5000 years old kid.