
Review Detail of TheLazyDeathgod in Breaking His Walls [BL omegaverse]

Review detail


This is a good book. The romance is slow-burn, with both characters having a lot of interactions before officially getting together. It's sweet and fluffy, and the darker bits are done via plot, as opposed to random melodrama. Actually though, the part I liked the most was the way the author portrayed the MC, Haneul. The way the author wrote about his past, and the way it continues to heavily affect him throughout the story, is well done. As readers, we also get to see Haneul's progress as he learns new things. Haneul's past isn't there as a decoration or plot device, and his problems don't magically go away via a perfect-instant-fix-relationship. Even at the end of the story, we see that Haneul is still struggling with certain things. I really appreciate that. After all, in real life problems don't just magically disappear when you fall in love. Some people might like to read that kind of story, but I disagree. Seeing the way the characters have to struggle, learn to communicate, adapt, and gradually work things out piece by piece is actually really motivating. I can relate to Haneul in some respects, so I think seeing him making progress in this kind of way is actually a massive relief. It was comforting to be reminded that even if it's slow and not always immediately noticeable, making an effort to improve yourself will make a difference eventually. I don't entirely know how to explain myself here, but just that when I put down the book after binging all the chapters, I found myself left feeling somehow reassured about my own life. It was pretty comforting. Anyway, I think the writing was very good. Pacing, plot, etc., were all nice, with the characters and relationship building being the strongest points. I felt the way mental health was handled was pretty true to life, and felt relatable, emotionally. I would say that, provided you pay attention to the warnings and make sure you're in a good place before reading certain chapters, this is a book I would definitely recommend giving a try.


Breaking His Walls [BL omegaverse]


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