
Review Detail of MythicSnow in God of Tricksters

Review detail


Alright. First off, this review is SPOILER FREE. Second, this is as of chapter 390, so I feel I have a good enough feel of the story, since as of this moment, 390 is the most recent chapter. Thirdly, there's two parts to this review. One will be my personal opinion. The other will be facts based around the 5 sets of stars you judge on when making reviews. First, the writing quality is really good. I don't notice many grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. And the few that I do, don't disrupt the flow of the story, or break the immersion. Earlier on there might have been more, but I can't remember. Though nowadays it seems like there's none at all. Speaking of earlier on to nowadays, the story development has been amazing. It's not too fast paced, nor to slow. It's well balanced with the arcs. While there are time skips, they're short bursts rather than years at a time. So the flow is nice, and smooth. Now on to Character Design! The characters are all full of life. They have their own emotions, and stories. They're incredibly detailed and don't all seem the same. They don't seem like extras, or side characters. They aren't disposable, nor forgettable. They have depth, and they matter! I'm sure you'll find yourself loving many of them. While some you may relate to. This one's shorter. Update stability. It's good. Only hiccup recently was a small dip in chapters a week because the Author was hospitalized, but they're okay now! Finally, World Background! This, in my opinion is phenomenal. The power levels, the creatures, the phasing of our world as we know it, and the other side. The attention to detail of even the smaller things just adds more life a realness to the story. I find myself often not having enough details in a story to completely immerse my mind into the world I'm trying to see, but in this story.. In this story it's as if a movie is playing in my mind. I guess this is the really "Finally". My opinion. This story has quickly become a top 3 to top 5 of mine on this app. At least, of novels I've read on this app in particular. Not including other sites. I have a top 20 chart in my notepad app on my phone that is densely packed with completed stories I've read. However, it wouldn't be fair to compare those like "The King's Avatar", or "Coiling Dragon" to this one, as it's not done. Though with the way it's going, I could see it surpassing those ones, even if that's only in my heart. So.. this would definitely be in my top 3 to top 5 of ONGOING stories. If you read all of this, I hope you have a wonderful day! And if YOU have read this Author-san, thank you for this fantastic world that I've fallen in love with. <3

God of Tricksters


Liked by 144 people




hi. could you share the contents of your "top 20 chart" with me ? i cant find anything interesting to read atm...


My edits of my review, since this app doesn't allow for edits of reviews or comments.🙄. In the "World Background" area: "just adds more life *and* realness to the story". In the "My Opinion" area: "I guess this is the *real* 'Finally'".


when you say short burst do you mean like a couple weeks-months at a time or like a day or two at a time?


I recommend: Coiling Dragon The King's Avatar Martial Universe Favored Son of Heaven Battle Through the Heavens These stories are complete! I have many more that are ongoing! I realized after posting the review I'd lost my "Top 20" list at some point and quickly through together a new one. these are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them.

Aeoex:hi. could you share the contents of your "top 20 chart" with me ? i cant find anything interesting to read atm...

Uhh. Kinda both? I don't believe a time skip has gone over a month or two though! As long as I'm remembering correctly! I could be wrong as I don't have a perfect memory.

Lynx_2771:when you say short burst do you mean like a couple weeks-months at a time or like a day or two at a time?

nice. thanks for the info

MythicSnow:Uhh. Kinda both? I don't believe a time skip has gone over a month or two though! As long as I'm remembering correctly! I could be wrong as I don't have a perfect memory.

Is this harem?


can you give me update on romance if there is any till the recent chapters?






Nice review, very helpful


thank you for your review VERY helpful!! thank you!!


Thanks for the in depth review! I'll give it a try 👍🏻


I agree fully[img=recommend]


Your effort in this comment is something I needed in my youth to make a difference in my life :-< thanks for the info tho xD


Thanks for your review. I really liked it because it really helped me pick it up. When I select my novels I usually give them, to about chapter 400 before I decide to keep reading, even if it’ a genre I wouldn’t usually read. Your review stating that you read to 390 was an immediate eye opener.


you sold me at phenomenal world detailing abd that's the most important part to me. the details. this comment sold me on this book and I haven't even started yet


What is the speed of the romance in this - is it extremely slow paced, fast paced etc.?


Hey there. you have quite some taste if you have read the king's avatar. I commend that. anyway, that is this new fantasy genre novel that I really like and feel like promoting, give it a read if u feel like


The name of the book is SHADOW GRIMOIRE ( THE ONE IN ALL CAPS)