
Review Detail of Trueon in Death, Devotion, Dissonance

Review detail


I really want to like this novel. It has almost everything. Good plot development, well written characters, and a good science-based magic system. However... The grammar is downright terrible. Every chapter or two, there're a plethora of mistakes which take away from the immersion/experience. Bad punctuation, multiple missing words in a single sentence, and incorrect capitalizations are a few that come to mind. I had to drop the novel somewhat early on because I just couldn't keep reading. Author NakedApron, if you see this review, please take the time to edit some of your chapters or hire an editor. It would drastically improve the reading experience. As it stands, this novel is not deserving of its 4.9 star rating.

Death, Devotion, Dissonance


Liked by 1 people




That’s fair. Bad grammar and spelling can definitely ruin a good book, but don’t most webnovels suffer from this problem? That used to be one of my biggest turnoffs for webnovels too. But with time my brain started to automatically redo sentences so that they made sense without breaking immersion. Rambling aside. This is a wonderful book. Sure, It didn’t look like an original masterpiece at the start, but it does explore some novel concepts. Idk, I guess I’d recommended giving it another chance?

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