
Review Detail of Sekushi in Young Master Fu’s Incredible Real Heiress

Review detail


⚠️Extremely Mild Spoiler ⚠️ yeah imma need more of this. I like it and tho I've seen some paragraph comments about "romanticizing" his mental illness it's more like his obsessive behavior is romanticized, not the illness itself so I'll promptly ignore them. other than that bad experience with the comments (sorry if anyone is offended by my humble opinion) I really really like this novel and I'm willing to waste a couple hours of my life obsessing over it. seems pretty worth it. I shall say goodbye to my precious fast passes that dont even build up over 21 (that's actually extremely frustrating 😐) anyway hi, bye, and thank you for reading if you've made it this far into my rant


Young Master Fu’s Incredible Real Heiress

Sweet Sago

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