
Review Detail of MIMIANNA_24 in I Experienced an SSS Encryption

Review detail


I read this novel in Vipnovel for free ,(~_~)but I think that the ending was rushed, it's like when will he builds Mecha for Atlantic people?And also, he promised that he would successfully created a space warship in one year in live boardcast ʕ•ε•ʔ(I forgot what it called), but after that, he's straying from his objective and help his country build a nuclear submarine in two months\( ̄▽ ̄;)/ You know what ?I'm confused with this novel

I Experienced an SSS Encryption

Little Brother Langya

Liked it!




and also, why did their ways of communicating is like Chinese, for example, when he meet his direct superior, it's like "______ meet the Marshal ______" (~_~)(sorry I forgot the name) this is USA's based story right????TF IS THIS (°Д°) (°Д°) (-_-#)(-_-#)


Sorry if I offended the Author, but why did every women like him, it is illogical that the Carter's grandfather and dad think that he will definitely like Carter eventhough they only met like 3 times(°Д°)are they crazy?, and also, the grandfather asked her dad is he deserves Carter? I means, dude ,the question is does your granddaughter deserve him (¬_¬) 1)he is the Major General 2)he is a scientist specialist in all subjects 3)he barely met Carter and only think that she was pretty,that's all 4)He didn't care anythings expect for his upgrade in system ,his parents ,his family ,his Alma mater ,and his friends (¬_¬)(¬_¬)(¬_¬)(¬_¬) Right now, I was thinking about throwing a table ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\


never mind my high rating thought,i was confused between good and bad review ٩(๑~▽~๑)۶