
Review Detail of Blood_Prince in Digging to Survive: I Can See Hints

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After reading the first five chapters its turning out to be Done really well, i hope it gets choosen. but knowing the editors theyll probably pick some overly played out cultivation novel instead, so if an editor reads this pick this instead, theres Way to many cultivation novels

Digging to Survive: I Can See Hints

Sword Old Wolf

Liked by 218 people




Review is all too spot on with WebNovels ways....




True and the sad things is the majority of people on here have more bad comments for novels, including the cultivation ones, that are good and move away from clichés. Majority of good comments go to cliché novels, and some are so cliche that border line plagiarism. Sometimes I have to check to see if it isn't the same book with a different title and character names. Sign-in system has already become a cliche on here also.


I think it is more that when it comes to cliche novels people for some reason refuse to review honestly. I’ve barely seen any actual reviews on WN. It’s as if no one has standards or think that reading 20 chapters is enough for a review. Other novels that stray from cliches get a few more honest reviews but the problem is still there. People give 5 star reviews for no reason when the novel is terrible. They mention how grammar and spelling is great when it is disgustingly horrid. Then most novels that come up with something new start off great, but later on fall into the same cliches owing to a lack of planning. Some just never got planned and make stuff up on the go. Essentially every novel on this site has hugely overinflated ratings and most reviewers and commenters have no idea what they are doing.

Cameron_Thonas:True and the sad things is the majority of people on here have more bad comments for novels, including the cultivation ones, that are good and move away from clichés. Majority of good comments go to cliché novels, and some are so cliche that border line plagiarism. Sometimes I have to check to see if it isn't the same book with a different title and character names. Sign-in system has already become a cliche on here also.

especially the hamen spammer commenters. every chapter they spam hamen; forces the authors to turn there originally good novels trash.

Mathro:I think it is more that when it comes to cliche novels people for some reason refuse to review honestly. I’ve barely seen any actual reviews on WN. It’s as if no one has standards or think that reading 20 chapters is enough for a review. Other novels that stray from cliches get a few more honest reviews but the problem is still there. People give 5 star reviews for no reason when the novel is terrible. They mention how grammar and spelling is great when it is disgustingly horrid. Then most novels that come up with something new start off great, but later on fall into the same cliches owing to a lack of planning. Some just never got planned and make stuff up on the go. Essentially every novel on this site has hugely overinflated ratings and most reviewers and commenters have no idea what they are doing.

Clichés are cliché because they work..... So I don't have a problem with tropes and the like. What I have a problem with is the lack of originality. Author can use all the clichés they want but I demand some original thinking


Mm m Mmm mmmmm m Me


This novel is great,mc has cheat but he is not suddenly overpowered.


Would have been great but goes downhill after chapter 40 cause it starts skipping chapters

Zack_Trz:This novel is great,mc has cheat but he is not suddenly overpowered.



A ideia é boa. Eu sempre sinto que faltam vários capítulos, o MC usa um poder ou item que ele não obteve antes, e muitos eventos que você aguarda não são mencionados, o autor simplesmente adiciona itens como ele quiser sem ao menos se importar em dizer de onde aquilo saiu e fica bem estranho. Imagina o MC lutando aí do nada ele usa um poder que você não sabe de onde saiu, e nem o que ele exatamente ele faz. ???????


I dont speak spanish, So i had to google translate it. but you are right there are chapters missing. after the first 40 chapters this novel went down hill

Zed_6155:A ideia é boa. Eu sempre sinto que faltam vários capítulos, o MC usa um poder ou item que ele não obteve antes, e muitos eventos que você aguarda não são mencionados, o autor simplesmente adiciona itens como ele quiser sem ao menos se importar em dizer de onde aquilo saiu e fica bem estranho. Imagina o MC lutando aí do nada ele usa um poder que você não sabe de onde saiu, e nem o que ele exatamente ele faz. ???????

Have read novels extra's bittersweet ending or SSS-class suicide hunter's romantic scene?

Unimatrix001:Clichés are cliché because they work..... So I don't have a problem with tropes and the like. What I have a problem with is the lack of originality. Author can use all the clichés they want but I demand some original thinking

lord of the mysteries, is such a good novel yet i only found after diggin and reading through hords chliché that it was actually causing me physical harm xD... now that im through with lord of the mysteries the search for an original and unique novel sstarts anew