
Review Detail of BRACKKUSama_z in The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Review detail


Look, Im just gonna be honest. Even with reading the auxillary chapter and other reviewers saying that it gets better X chapters later, I cant reccomend this one. The main point of contention with this one is the Mc. Guys seems to be a normal dude who gets isekaied via bike and shoved into a otome game before being essentialy emotionally lobotomized. I understand its because of said system but my honest question was why? Yes, you explained why it happened story-wise, but why was that character shift needed? Was it really neccessary to remove the original personality so early in the story and replace it with whatever Zombie's personality is, if you can call that a complete personality? Does that add anything to the story other then frustration and removing the voice of modern history from the story? If it was Zombie with little bits of the MC poking through every now and then, that would be acceptable.As soon as MC was killed the second time, he essentially just became another,less interesting character. If you had removed the isekai elements from the story and just had him as a basic mob in the original game, there would lose essentially nothing because for a otome game setting, there are almost no Otome game elements.You coul just call it a fantasy world and nobody would notice the diffrence. If it takes 50+ chapters to get somewhat interesting or for some development to happen, and I have to pay for the later part of those chapters, then this novel is not worth it at all. Nobody wants to buy a video game that only gets good 40hrs in. If you want someone to read your book or buy your game, then that 1st impression matters the most, and this book does not make a good one.


The Villainess and I, her Zombie


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