
Review Detail of Polkageist in Harry Potter: New World

Review detail


I honestly don't understand how this story has such a high score. It's honestly some of the most cringeworthy nonsense I've read in a long time. I honestly believe the author deletes the bad reviews, just to appear as a high quality work. It's a total scam. There's NO f*cking way there would not be more bad reviews under 3 stars, when the story is this cringeworthy. But instead of ranting, let me tell you why I think this story absolutely doesn't deserve its high rating. Writing Quality: The grammar is horrendous. To be fair, it was actually pretty decent in the first two chapters. But that's it, only for two chapters. The gammar takes a skydive after those chapters, and it becomes hard to understand what happens half of the time. Stability of Updates: I have to give props where props are due, and the author has a great upload stability, so good job on that. Story Development: This is where the story truly suffers. I've read to chapter 10, and I don't know if I should bother to read more of this novel, due to how horrible the development is. The MC is obsessed with his biological mother, even though his entire biological family abandoned him when he was born. The MC only gets a single glance at his biological mother, but he becomes so attached to her that it's worrying. What makes it worse, is that she abandoned the MC, but he doesn't give a flying f*ck. He doesn't even consider his adoptive parents as his real parents, but is super obsessed with his biological mother, even though he's only seen her ONCE, and that was when she ABANDONED him. This is just plain disgusting. There must seriously be something very wrong in the MC's head for him to behave like this. But not only does he obsess over his biological mother, like she created the cure for f*cking cancer, or every illness in the world for that matter, but he even straight up confronts her and the rest of his biological family about it, even when it could bring serious consequences to him. Oh, and let's not forget about how he talks complicated philosophy with an 11 year old girl. I don't care how much of a genius Hermione is supposed to be, you can't just start a conversation with an excited 11 year old girl, who just found out she's a witch a couple of weeks ago, and suddenly go into a whole speech about morals, ethics and racism. The author seriously needs to research how people actually talk to each other, and how emotionally and mentally mature 11 year olds actually are. Overall, the story so far seems extremely forced, and seems to be a big advocator of lemons, due to how much cringe I get from reading it. Character Design: Nothing major, just your usual run of the mill descriptions like we're used to. World Background: While I admit I found it amusing how the Death God, or whatever it was that transported the MC to the Wizarding World, was super pissed at the start, I can't praise anything beyond that point. It's the Wizarding World, so the world is already mostly fleshed out for authors to use. But the author fails to describe the MC's environment in decent details, and completely skips out on the majority of his early years before Hogwarts. And even when the author does mention the environment, it's done without details and creativity. I have no impression of the MC's home, other than there's a park nearby. Overall, I don't think this story deserves the high rating that it has. The story is cringe, the characters don't behave or talk like people, the pacing is bad and I can't get over how obsessed the MC is over his biological mother, when he's only seen her ONCE, and that was when she ABANDONED him! TLDR; It's terrible, don't bother to waste your time.

Harry Potter: New World


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P.S., I'm saving a copy of my review, in case the author decides to delete it. I will not be silenced, and I will be persistent like the plague, in case the author tries to silence me. Also, I might continue to read this story, to see if it actually improves along the way, but I have my doubts. Have a nice day, whoever reads this.