
Review Detail of youkai13 in Harry Potter and The Descendant of Merlin

Review detail


this story is great so far. please do NOT make it a harem. my two cents harems are unrealistic no man or woman would be willing to share their loved one with someone else. it tends to ruin a story. choose one love interest and stick with it that way the story and characters can be more developed. also please dont drop. it's always sad when good stories are dropped.

Harry Potter and The Descendant of Merlin


Liked by 50 people




don't wanna be that guys but it's fantasy it's not supposed to be realistic


not just that but even today some people share in a relationship (normally not happening or going badly doesn't mean it doesn't happen or go welp) hehe Trick is working thier personalities so that they can relisticly get along or finding girls that have a strong belief to sub,it though. to be fair though even if Harry potter does harem few authors have the skill to pull it off

anOrdinary:don't wanna be that guys but it's fantasy it's not supposed to be realistic

I think 2-3 girls is fine if the author writes it reasonably. * potential spoiler * and if oz gets the same royal elf princess/maid, then he just has to bag her. She was honestly as perfect as a girl can be for the mc. And if the story follows the same plot as the original, he has the perfect setup to meet fleur. So yea for me at least 2 girls. But if the author decides on 1 love interest it better be someone interesting and not some random admirer.


Yea, but any good story is relatable do you think there are guys on here banging five different chicks while their fat friend in the corner of the room is calling them brother and or young master.

anOrdinary:don't wanna be that guys but it's fantasy it's not supposed to be realistic

But it shouldn’t be to relatable. If a story is completely relatable, if would be a boring story without any action/fantasy/adventure.

JamesRandell:Yea, but any good story is relatable do you think there are guys on here banging five different chicks while their fat friend in the corner of the room is calling them brother and or young master.

I agree it is fantasy but i personally do not like harems to me it is over used and it makes me feel disgusted at times especially with big haremes and this is just my opinion and this should not offend anyone nor is it directed to anybody incase someone decides to start saying rude comments for no reason.


I know it’s fantasy but the time, place, and era play a big role in making a good story. For a story like this, a harem would just ruin the whole thing. Imagine Harry Potter with a harem? In that era? In the uk? It’s like putting a puzzle together but you decided to hammer and staple all the pieces together and now it’s just trash that someone is trying to pass off as art.

