
Review Detail of ARandomDream in Reborn in DxD with a Nasuverse system

Review detail


I'm bored and so I'm here to review since I have read this. Writing Quality: 3 Stars, needs some improvement and the use of " " in sentences, as well as proper use of words to indicate 3rd person such as 'Adam looked around his surroundings, and felt danger emanatting from a bush. He tightened the grip on his sword and started to approach it, slowly.' etc.. Story Development: 4 Stars for now as this is only the beginning and most things looks good. Character Design: 2 Stars, why? If you're going on cannon characters, then you've kinda f7cked most things up, Azazel isn't like that as well as Pnemue or whatevs. The mc? (real reason this is 2 stars)I feel like he's going to turn into a beta and harem collecting one.. call it an insticnt of a degenerate who roamed the barren lands called WebNovel. Updt Stability: 5 Stars as you've only started this ff. World Background: 3 Stars (might be 4 later on), Author, you know you could have a lil backstory of him in the grigori and such as well as wondering around since he has Solomon... This is my honest review as I don't have much to do right now. Author no pressure.

Reborn in DxD with a Nasuverse system


Liked by 5 people




I like your review... & I am commenting only because I have time... lots and lots of free time.. and don't know what else to do with it...


I understand the quality and it makes sense I haven't really had that much experience writing like this before so thanks for bearing with me I understand Character Design it'll be explained why they acted like that in a future chapter And for world background a lot of people have said the same thing so ill be adding a chapter between 2-3 that adds a little more world building


I forgot to add for the harem collecting mc that won't happen I decided to write novels cause all my favorite ones had that same issue if you could give me a reason why you think that ill try and make a change or try to avoid it


Think like your mc, imagine what would you really do in his situation and write it... though, don't get too immersed in it as your ff will be messy (trust me, i got learned it from experience)

Azureskyblue:I forgot to add for the harem collecting mc that won't happen I decided to write novels cause all my favorite ones had that same issue if you could give me a reason why you think that ill try and make a change or try to avoid it

ok ok that makes sense

ARandomDream:Think like your mc, imagine what would you really do in his situation and write it... though, don't get too immersed in it as your ff will be messy (trust me, i got learned it from experience)

DxD no harem....thanks any way.....good luck.

Azureskyblue:I forgot to add for the harem collecting mc that won't happen I decided to write novels cause all my favorite ones had that same issue if you could give me a reason why you think that ill try and make a change or try to avoid it