
Review Detail of TheTrueGilgamesh in I AM A SUMMONER IN ANOTHER WORLD

Review detail


Turns to trash very quickly, too much training montage, too much copying, too much BS one dimension characters, brain dead companion who only know one word "Young master" MC who seems to know about anime weapons and skills without even knowing them (does it make sense? NO! of course not making sense in this novel doesn't exist) Anime techniques and Weapons this noob-el copied include Incursio - Akame Ga Kill. Yamato - DMC. Flash Step - Bleach. Thunder Breathing Technique - Demon Slayer. Energy Burst - Fate series. and many more to come, also expect some Anime characters to be summon (in the future) using his system cause you know this is a Crack-fic so anything is possible now if the MC wants to summon a unicorn who poo** gold then he would be able to summon it(seems to be that way cause he just hinted that he wanted to have a sword that turn into an armor that can evolve(Incursio) and not even 1 chp later when he tried summoning he summoned a Tyrants beast) and it's male so he needs to kill he's not gonna kill it if it's female cause ya know simping btches everywhere. if you like this kind of story then you are one of those 1Percenters who lacks imagination and creative originality then good for you. Writing Quality: 3 (I don't see too much mistake on it i think maybe 3.8 or something?) Story Development: 2 (Why? it's been 53 chp since i started reading and there's barely any progress to the story all we got is vanity, self satisfaction, and a bunch of training montages, the companion isn't helping at all considering the only thing she knows is "Young Master" this and that a literal card board character. Character Design: 2 (another almost non-existent description that we have to all the characters the MC encounter, the closest description that we have is the 5 guards who is guarding the Prince(Princess actually disguise) their names is guard 1,2,3 and 4. Updating stability: 2 (Dunno bout that but i'll give it a 2, i didn't catch up to the latest chp cause there's no reason for me to waste my time so anyways 2) World Background: 2 (Meh another 2 all we got is Stardou forest or something with a rare instance of describing some rocks inside cave that's all) Readers Score: meh! 0.7 (cause there seems to be no shortage of brain-dead 5 star raters who just rate it because they like it without explaining WHY? they like it. Overall Score: 2.2 (But i think it should be 2.0 cause i hate brain-dead readers who always score 5 star) Main turn down for me in this story is when the Author started introducing weapons and technique's that shouldn't even exist in that universe, because the MC didn't even know them (Well unless he watches those anime in Solo leveling world which i doubt they even exist there) now i don't mind 1 or 2 weapons from different anime but if you keep doing those over and over again without a doubt you will start introducing characters from different anime too by means of summoning them, which is for me is a trash move i despise those kinds of CO's and i will not waste my time in it. Anyways good luck with your story.



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I hate a guy like you, i can't read more chapter because a guy like you, don't appreciate the author's effort. Prepare for the CRUSADE!


..l.. Just say you want some attention, lol f u c k off...



I suggest you write your own story Mr. Perfect, you're just a troublemaker here.




Well if you got problem with this then by all means try writing a fic. Constructive criticism and what you have written are totally different things. So


not everyone has the same taste as you bud


well, this is not constructive criticism, just outright insulting. your opinion is very biased towards your taste, even insult reader who like it. totally disregarding the hard work of the author.



Well... you should have expect it since this was fanfic... If you want something new and original just read some novel except form the fanfic section....


dude can you do something else than crying how bad everything is because thats the only Thing you have done on this side your whole profile is just that


dude this is a fanfic so he will write what he wants. as a reader you should not be biased. if you dont like it then go away. stop demoralizing the author. if you want. write your own. then we will judge you fair and square


another simp who says basically everyone is an idiot except him, who thinks he is the biggest critic there is, but ñ, u are just a normal guy who never wrote to know the difficulty of doing it and gets jealous of those who take the trouble to write something good and fun, if I ñ evaluate because I like what I’m evaluating. brother will **** you truegilgamesh, just say that ñ it's your tea chicara.


fking fufuck o away, the story is good! u trash reviews


Oh mr perfect is in the house. Mr. perfect why dont you write your own novel after all you seems someone whos good at it. Are you one of those who are all bark but no bite? You actually put a review that contains direct insult to some readers which should not be included when doing some reviews. Sharing ones opinion is alright but direct insulting the reader because of their own opinion is rather unpleasant. I suggest you go back and learn how to properly write reviews before doing so. I respect your own opinion but refrain from directly insulting the reader cause you like something that others don't like and vice versa. Please grow up properly.


I don't see why you focus on skills that shouldn't exist in the douluo world when the protagonist comes from solo leveling world and SHOULD not be there, and the skills themselves are not over-the-top, the way they are explained make sense and damn it came from a system and I'm a simp for systems cause they are amazing. In terms of the silent and cute aria, what do you want her to say, she is progressing well. Though I have to say that some of their conversations do get on my nerves, especially early on but it got better and I hope the author will keep improving on that. On training montages, if he did not train the I would have dropped this, with all his unique companions, example is the fact that he can 'tame' kro as it would be seen in others eyes, it would not be absurd for him to be chased by practically any noble or spirit master with some prestige in an empire, not to mention the lustful bastards that fill the spirit master world, this story would degenerate to being shamed then getting revenge, all over and over so, even if you hate it that much, it would be okay to rant in your mind but a comment like yours that does not touch on the plot but on what you feel about a story can chase away many potential readers, and that's not cool you know.


Hurm, what you said is correct and right, but so is others story around here... Fanfic is where people adjust, modify, add or reject whatever they want while still following the world base rule right? Like this fanfic, yeah he steal other anime move for himself but that's what 99% fanfiction author do out there right? I want to say again that your comment is right, but at wrong place mate. The comment is suitable in original fiction section, while this one is fanfiction. I wouldn't scold or attack you like others reader here because what you said is correct(Only in a very aggressive and annoying way that makes people hate it.) but in the same time it's wrong. It's correct in you being honest about how he use all the other anime move and abilities but wrong also because this is fanfiction, not original.. So hope this may explain something to you, have a nice day..


isn't this fanfic not original novel why do you rate it like original novel?, when reading fanfic expect worse quality than original novel because it's free and the author not professional just an ******* writer so expect bad grammar, bad plot, bad, lot of typo, or plot that don't make any sense, if you expect fanfic will have an excellent quality it's like you expect to find gold in trash dump, you might find gold if you lucky but most of the time you will find useable garbage, as long as the fanfic you want to read is not bad enough like have ntr, bl, rape, or mc make decisions that don't suit your cup of tea isn't it fine to read it? p.s: beggar can't be chooser


why a.m.ateur get censored?

nacht:isn't this fanfic not original novel why do you rate it like original novel?, when reading fanfic expect worse quality than original novel because it's free and the author not professional just an ******* writer so expect bad grammar, bad plot, bad, lot of typo, or plot that don't make any sense, if you expect fanfic will have an excellent quality it's like you expect to find gold in trash dump, you might find gold if you lucky but most of the time you will find useable garbage, as long as the fanfic you want to read is not bad enough like have ntr, bl, rape, or mc make decisions that don't suit your cup of tea isn't it fine to read it? p.s: beggar can't be chooser

I really want to keep cursing you, but because of a few comments, I will try to calm myself down. First, This is fanfiction, and not an original novel, you can comment about the anime technique, sword, or whatever, but remember Author is adding his own touch on the technique because what? Because this is fanfiction. In the first place mc doesn't have Yamato(He's only considering it), and Flash step(I don't remember any flash step on this story). Yes, Author using Thunder Breathing and Wind Breathing from demon slayer, but he add a fusion of these technique. Well, you're self-centered so you don't bother I guess. As for energy burst, well, I don't want to comment on it. You have a problem with Mc has a technique from another world as his system summon it for him, and some of his skill comes from the spirit skill. ITS FANFIC, Mc come from SOLO LEVELING AND NOT DD, GOD DAMN IT. Summoning anime character? Maybe in the future chapter, Author would do it, but in the last 82 chapter he never summon any anime character. He's only summoning skill book, material, and a few items. The tyrant is want to kill him, so mc kill it. Simp that, simp there, STFU. He also summon male summons in a 72-73 chap, but you already drop the story, well its fine I guess, I don;t want to see any of your comment anyways. Author lack of imagination, originality, and creativity? He UPDATE 3 CHAPTERS PER DAY, DO YOU THINK IDEA COME OUT FROM NOWWHERE. Story Development, what is your problem with training, mc can't become stronger if he don't train and what is your problem with ARIA, she's adorable. Updating stability, for the god sake, Author writing non stops for almost four week! I respect him for that! Three chapter a day! World Background, I doubt that you read Douluo Dalu and only bad reviewing every fanfic in this platform. Also you bad commenting the reader, Really? You straight up insulting the reader of this fanfic because you can accept their review? WTF man. For the last time. THIS IS FANFIC NOT ORIGINAL NOVEL, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OF ORIGINALITY OF ANY TECHNIQUE, WEAPON, OR ANYTHING. COMMENT/REVIEW IT ON ORIGINAL NOVEL SECTION AND NOT FANFIC. Conclusion: I really hate a blindless commenting man like you!