
Review Detail of MassDestruction in Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse

Review detail


List of retarded things in this fanfic: 1. Parents abandoning their child cause he doesn't have a quirk. 2. Laughing like a madman in a hospital and no one seemed to care. 3. Suddenly healing a mortal wound despite being quirkless but the nurse doesn't care. 4. Suddenly growing a few inches and muscles in few days despite being quirkless but of course no one finds it sus. 5. Villains acting like wuxia mob. 6. MC's personality is like a typical wuxia protagonist with extra doses of edginess.

Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse


Liked by 178 people




1° isso é muito comum 2° não é o anime que só mostra quão retardado e o Midorya 3° se vc lesse direito veria que e um local abandonado e existem salas secretas.




Hahaha 😂 maybe, author just dumb.




Lol I agree, the author has a talent in writing but maybe make the story at least believable and have common sense..plus the edginess is quite strong this one.

ThousandRain:Hahaha 😂 maybe, author just dumb.

You do gotta understand that a Chinese Author most likely wrote this and didn't take into account the personalities, or ways of Japanese people doing this each country is different and has its own way of doing things you can't really criticize this. If you really want something proper go find some Japanese Author or someone who takes everything into account. Lastly, I just wanna say this is fanfiction "fan fiction" hence the section it's made by fans not professionally.


he would fit perfectly well in a wuxia world


Parents HAVE abandoned their children for less, usually due to cultural reason. But this is not always the case. China has a bad habit of aborting daughters, India has the whole ‘untouchable’ cast, and any other underdeveloped nation with a massive population. My point is it’s FAR more common than you would think. For it to happen where it was becoming the cultural norm to have a quirk in a society like japan? Oh YES, it’s very possible. The MCs mentality is a product of his environment, and let’s not forget he’s still a kid. There will be inconsistencies in his thought process. And we’ve all went through an edgy phase, mine was shorter than most thankfully. For those around him ignoring his change, you do have a point to an extent. Yes there should have been some kind of follow up. But when you have nobody who cares for you, it’s surprisingly easy to slip through the cracks. Besides in a society with so many different quirks? Suddenly developing one just means you just became ‘normal’.


dude this argument is mostly mute since it only argues against 2 points(the last 2) out 4 while the 4 being common sense

Bekos:You do gotta understand that a Chinese Author most likely wrote this and didn't take into account the personalities, or ways of Japanese people doing this each country is different and has its own way of doing things you can't really criticize this. If you really want something proper go find some Japanese Author or someone who takes everything into account. Lastly, I just wanna say this is fanfiction "fan fiction" hence the section it's made by fans not professionally.

This is a JAPANESE anime fanfiction, yes maybe he is a chinese author but he should RESPECT the original work

Bekos:You do gotta understand that a Chinese Author most likely wrote this and didn't take into account the personalities, or ways of Japanese people doing this each country is different and has its own way of doing things you can't really criticize this. If you really want something proper go find some Japanese Author or someone who takes everything into account. Lastly, I just wanna say this is fanfiction "fan fiction" hence the section it's made by fans not professionally.

It's Chinese? Maybe so. However, I have read poorly translated works in the past, and each an every one of them has been infinitely better than this stuff. This may not be a professionally produced novel, but does that truly excuse bad writing? Is everything you read that isn't professionally produced this bad? Is a little quality too much to ask for in a fanfiction?

Bekos:You do gotta understand that a Chinese Author most likely wrote this and didn't take into account the personalities, or ways of Japanese people doing this each country is different and has its own way of doing things you can't really criticize this. If you really want something proper go find some Japanese Author or someone who takes everything into account. Lastly, I just wanna say this is fanfiction "fan fiction" hence the section it's made by fans not professionally.

Ya no seas un quejica solo disfruta la novela es entretenida


Continuando em questão das feridas mortais em um mundo onde existem pessoas como ALL MIGHT vc acha que não e normal não sei talvez regeneração acelerada


Músculos vc tem um ponto mais um muito merda pq ele e sem peculiaridade ou seja o nada do nada o lixo entre lixo não tem pq se importar com ele essa e a mentalidade da enfermeira vida de "classe alta " não de se importar com a sujeira no chão! Em outras palavras ele se curou rápido legal foda-se


Quanto ao vilão Wuxia Mob, certo vamos lá ! em que mundo vc vive ? um mundo onde os fortes oprimem os fracos ! tanto que as escolas permitem Bully das "crianças" com peculiaridade fraca apenas pq determinado indivíduo tem uma peculiaridade forte. Como vc acha que uma pessoa com complexo de Superiodade ou digamos que tem uma infância condurbada sejam bom vilões que usem a cabeça de cima para pensar?


A personalidade do MC não e como MCs padrão que são arrogantes e fazem coisas por impulso ele pensa nas consequências diferente dos MC's padrão que espancam jovens mestre sem pensar e acaba ofendendo uma seita inteira de monstros


Mongrel, You Have This King's Thanks For Saving His Time, Here Is A Small Reward:




In fact in MHA many people end up abandoning their children when they are quirks, Midoriya was a case in point, but we also don't know if Midoriya's father abandoned him.But if you take Toga Himiko for example she ended up being thrown out of the house in the original because of her quirk

Orange_Ghost:Lol I agree, the author has a talent in writing but maybe make the story at least believable and have common sense..plus the edginess is quite strong this one.
