
Review Detail of LightningCatThief in I'm A Wasteland Giant

Review detail


The only ones more stupid than the MC are teachers. Jokes aside. This novel has an interesting concept, but the avarage character totally lacks common sense and the MC is the worst offender. Any situation is practically just a justification why we should think the MC is just the most awesome great God badass... The concept of the MCs ability is interesting, but ridiculously OP and way to different from the rest of the characters to lead to credible world building.


I'm A Wasteland Giant

Crazy Orange Cat

Liked by 7 people




the story and character are not that bad as to get a 1 star from you. Reasons why 1st Everyone has a different mentality and reaction to things even more so when Giant Bugs come out of worm wholes and eat you, so with that in mind yes some people may act more stupid then others no matter how old you are. 2nd the concept of power gains being to much is dependent on how its presented to us and in this novel its good so far, the author has a pretty good power system aka Mc Power vs Things that may try to kill him. etc just 1 star from you for this Review makes me sad at how little people even compare trash aka 1 star to AMAZING 5 stars and you must Have GODLIKE standards to call this 1 star, you might as well stop reading your just gonna be sad your whole life for reading nothing but garbage.


i would rate this 3-4 stars depending on peoples expectations from the story aka what type power mc has, interaction between MC and side characters and so on but to ME i give it a 3.5 if im feeling generous i throw it a 4 Tops


One star is pretty bad, but it is my honest opinion. I do not grade objectively, I am a casual reader and reviewer. I gave this novel this rating because I had trouble finishing the enough chapters to give an at least well informed review. I hated every minute of it.

God_Of_Books:the story and character are not that bad as to get a 1 star from you. Reasons why 1st Everyone has a different mentality and reaction to things even more so when Giant Bugs come out of worm wholes and eat you, so with that in mind yes some people may act more stupid then others no matter how old you are. 2nd the concept of power gains being to much is dependent on how its presented to us and in this novel its good so far, the author has a pretty good power system aka Mc Power vs Things that may try to kill him. etc just 1 star from you for this Review makes me sad at how little people even compare trash aka 1 star to AMAZING 5 stars and you must Have GODLIKE standards to call this 1 star, you might as well stop reading your just gonna be sad your whole life for reading nothing but garbage.

The world building is actually credible later on. At around chapter 70 to 80 you learn that the MC is a descent of an ancient God corpse on earth, which explains his situation :). the novels still trash though, but not due to the MC. Too much Chinese nationalism combined with the lack luster reasoning to some events.


I read to chapter 200 and would rate it 1 to 2 star. Not for the reason this man stated, but I hope that makes you feel better that the other guy didn't make a horrible choice

God_Of_Books:the story and character are not that bad as to get a 1 star from you. Reasons why 1st Everyone has a different mentality and reaction to things even more so when Giant Bugs come out of worm wholes and eat you, so with that in mind yes some people may act more stupid then others no matter how old you are. 2nd the concept of power gains being to much is dependent on how its presented to us and in this novel its good so far, the author has a pretty good power system aka Mc Power vs Things that may try to kill him. etc just 1 star from you for this Review makes me sad at how little people even compare trash aka 1 star to AMAZING 5 stars and you must Have GODLIKE standards to call this 1 star, you might as well stop reading your just gonna be sad your whole life for reading nothing but garbage.