
Review Detail of Yuki_Nightingale in Good Villain

Review detail


It is I, the author! Yes, giving myself a shameless 5 stars review... This is my first creative writing, especially one shared with the world. As an author, I wanted to create a different world full of different people, all to enjoy being a creator. Sure, this creator may create some mistakes somedays, but I strive to make my creation as wonderful as possible! And this novel has room to improve, I do realize that, and I appreciate every comment and review and anything given. Even if you comment that I am missing a comma in the 5th paragraph, I am willing to edit that 5th paragraph. So do be willing to comment on mistakes and your thoughts!! A little info just if you are curious to read: - The MC does have a little narcissism in her blood, AKA the Princess Syndrome, but I try my best to keep it at a rate where you don't want to slap her face at every turn. 0-0 She has a life just like any other, just that she loves herself more than anything. - Avina's goal is to return to her own world to her best friend Bea. She seeks out friendship in every world, so Avina is not alone in these worlds. Plus, she has her trusty system, 5025! - There is a romance tag, and that is where I shall warn you. No, Avina does not have one of those going-into-worlds-with-her male leads. Instead, the romance will only be active if the original hostess had romance. So Avina is not actively seeking love, she just wants to go home. - 5025 is definitely not a super powerful system. Just a warning. Avina has her MC plot armor, but she's not always going to have a smooth sailing journey. There will be waves, storms, or her ship may have a hole. Author here shall have no sympathy in order to bring the greatest plot to life! If you are interested in my journey, there is a nice little Author Introduction/Diary chapter. :) It keeps my thoughts inside and shows how much progress I made so far. Makes me happy to write a new entry every time. Thank you if you do decide to read! It may be a bumpy start at first, but I strive to improve every day! By the end, I hope to bring the best possible amusement to my dear readers.

Good Villain


Liked by 51 people




I love this novel, it is amazingly well written! One of my all time favourites! The plot is consistent and super unique, I love that although Avina keeps transmigrating, it is different when comparing with other novels. To be honest however, although I really like the friendship part of the story, I wish just a teeny tiny bit of it was more inclined to romance. Since, that was originally the tag that got me interested into the novel in the first place if I’m being honest. The male characters of the novels Avina transmigrates into are really cool and I get that you are going for a different style, but I hope you can make it just a little bit more cliche. In all the worlds that she had romance, I only seem to see descriptions of affection that the male characters develop or had for the villainess. Not much about Alvina’s feelings, reaction or response to their emotions. It might be a bit cooler to see Avina falling in love first instead of the other person.


<3 I haven't read the novel yet when i read this and now that I did, I'm excited for the adventures to come in Avina's way!! I didn't pay attention to my english class so I can't say constructive stuff to complement XD but as a fellow avid reader but a picky one lol I love this novel already even with the brief contact I have with this novel and Thank you very much for creating this! Have a great day and sty safe! I wuv u ( ùwú)7 XD


Thank you for your kind words! It is a delight to be able to provide you Avina's and 5025's antics, and I'm sure they will have many more antics to come! And don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't have any constructive input today, it makes me overjoyed enough to hear you read and enjoyed the novel. O^O Please continue to support my writing journal, and stay safe as well! I love you too, dear VioletC san. OwO

VioletC:<3 I haven't read the novel yet when i read this and now that I did, I'm excited for the adventures to come in Avina's way!! I didn't pay attention to my english class so I can't say constructive stuff to complement XD but as a fellow avid reader but a picky one lol I love this novel already even with the brief contact I have with this novel and Thank you very much for creating this! Have a great day and sty safe! I wuv u ( ùwú)7 XD



Thank you for your earnest love!! >v< Makes it all worth the effort placed into writing the novel! And because you’ve mentioned something interesting, it’s sparked an interest in making it one of the later arcs. ;) (which part? Read more to find out!) I’m not really good at writing romance so I tend to move away from it but you’ve reminded me that there are people who show an interest in the cliches and stuff. I hope to meet your expectations in the later arcs and enjoy your reading journey!! <3

Manishka_Erande:I love this novel, it is amazingly well written! One of my all time favourites! The plot is consistent and super unique, I love that although Avina keeps transmigrating, it is different when comparing with other novels. To be honest however, although I really like the friendship part of the story, I wish just a teeny tiny bit of it was more inclined to romance. Since, that was originally the tag that got me interested into the novel in the first place if I’m being honest. The male characters of the novels Avina transmigrates into are really cool and I get that you are going for a different style, but I hope you can make it just a little bit more cliche. In all the worlds that she had romance, I only seem to see descriptions of affection that the male characters develop or had for the villainess. Not much about Alvina’s feelings, reaction or response to their emotions. It might be a bit cooler to see Avina falling in love first instead of the other person.

So no fated love? Because of so then that’s fantastic.


I actually like the idea of less cliche better. It doesn't need a solid romance. Change the tag if you can, and write whatever you want to your heart's content.


marry me author please


Is everything okay ? Haven’ t seen an update for a while & got worried. I hope everything is okay.