
Review Detail of Kathira in No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Review detail


This book is hilarious. If anyone has ever played warhammer, they will understand when I say the MC is like the Orcs. He believes it so it happens. To explain, Orcs in warhammer are a profoundly stupid, low intelligence race. However they are space faring and powerful. This is because they are powerful psychics, but are completely unaware of that. As a race, they believe their spaceships can traverse space, thet believe this so completely that their psychic energy reacts to make it so, so the spaceship can travel through space. Even though its like tin cans and metal scrap tied together with string. The MC is highly similar to this. Coming from "our earth" background and with no baseline knowledge of Immortal cultivation, the common sense that a native to the world would have adopted as thet grew up, he believes what his sect seniors tell him. That plus whatever plot armor he has mean when he is told "this works" he doesn't question it, believes it works and finds a way to make it work. Just like the Orcs. He has such a "this must be how this world works" belief, that the world reacts that way. Plot armour at its most hilarious.


No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Dark Knight

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