
Review Detail of ReviewBrah in No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Review detail


255 chapter review tldr: Good comedy but butcher by side character Su Changyu full of cringe and tasteless joke and poor execution of misunderstanding type of joke. Ever seen a good comedy book? Problem with being a comedy genre is that it takes skill to wring to cover hundred of chapter. The author do in fact have the skill by making the mc misunderstanding funnier, like Saitama. Problem is, author have the bad taste of putting side character in the same spot. The side character misunderstanding bring people to annoying phase, its not even funny and cringe. With copy and paste word of he just stand there, menancingly and all the daoist scare shitless. 1-2 chapter is ok, but when u even go to the extreme and have dozen of chapter dedicated to him, and still act the cringe way? That drop the quality for me. Also, the author keep repeating how he is more handsome than anyone, like i get it, u are handsome than mc, but stop saying that word every time u appear on the chapter. The side character also have the most fkin plot armor i ever seen, Even Yun Che have to salute him and call him as Father or senior brother. He is given fruit that can skip his cultivation by 500 year worth of training, and suddenly he become perfect with perfect cultivation when back then he stuck qi phase at late 20 age. The world background is average at best. The fruit alone is just a fkin plot device.


No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Dark Knight

Liked by 9 people




i also want to add that, the stort is decent with flaw, but definitely not put money in here. The quality of story is not enough for me to spend money here.


ok, i take it back, seriously, author really know how to ruin story in next 10 chapter alone. I regret to review it early and it should not get this high star. fkin Author turn 180 and suddenly i am confuse on who is the real mc.


ikr... and then suddenly its completed??!! Like wtf!! Didn't even read about the MC!