
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Review detail


Idk, I thought that it would be funny them all giving him random things to try and hide that they themselves are weak af. Like in the description with the coin etc However, what annoyed me greatly is how it went from funny to them using him for money. Like it's fine if you want him to stay in your sect because even if it is a sht thing to do the mc is still benefiting from it so it can sort of be forgiven. However, to me this is the limit. Not only using him by lying to him but then acc making him a fcking money printer... I can already see that when he masters alchemy, smithing etc they are gonna use him again and again. Tbh this pisses me off because its gon from a light-hearted and funny vibe to instant scum. I would rather it be like that story where he has a famous af master who only picked him because of his poor attribute only for him to have this talent. Making the master have him keep trying to random stuff to slow him down, read random things etc with the mc being like this and finding comprehension in everything and the master's reaction to it. Instead of this vibe of making the mc dumb af and constantly using him for there own gains.... SO yeah


No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?

Dark Knight

Liked by 32 people




If uou read further, they only use hom for money twice, and both times they just sell a painting, which doesnt negatively effect the MC in anyway.


I would read a novel with the premise that you just proposed :)