
Review Detail of alsiee in Heavenly Dao Formula

Review detail


"Do you know the best way to deal with a gun?" "A gun with longer range" -Chapter 149 Although it is written by the same author as Release that Witch, HDF has some significant differences that makes for a refreshing read. This time around, the MC is of low birth but is aura (Qi) sensitive, and the threat isn't from the Church or Demons, but from internal evils of the government and ruling families (corruption, personal interests, geopolitics). As self-righteous as ever, the MC is rapidly inducted into the dramatic clash between competing interests, utilizing his modern scientific knowledge to advance his Mystic arts as well as providing some infrastructure support. Compared to RTW, HDF has more mysticism and geopolitics, but less industrialization, science, and MC involvement with day-to-day governance. In HDF, the MC doesn't militarize as heavily with hot weapons (despite the enemy's usage of hot weapons), but focuses instead on magic powered 'hot' massacres and the first exciting boom boom massacre takes place much earlier (Chapter ~100) with simpler technology, compared to the thousand chapters it took for the first nuke in RTW. Overall, compared to RTW, the MC is less perfect, but the plot is more intense. Worth a read if you liked RTW. 9/10 IGN

Heavenly Dao Formula

Second Eye

Liked by 2 people




Hello, where do you read it after the 40 chapters are over here? Did you read it in Chinese or with Machine Translation? I'd love to continue reading this novel. I loved RTW.



SushiPapasFritas:Hello, where do you read it after the 40 chapters are over here? Did you read it in Chinese or with Machine Translation? I'd love to continue reading this novel. I loved RTW.