
Review Detail of Patty_Egah_Ikwue in My Name Is Eleven

Review detail


This title "My name is Eleven" is like me echoing my name "Divine". I am literally the eleventh born of my family and number means a lot to me, as this writer caught my interest with the code representing my name. If 1 is Vine, 11 is Divine, that was how I got my name. I sometimes feel like Eleven (alien) because of how I see things. Therefore, this author may not understand the gravity of he/she has written,but indeed, this makes sense to me. We are living now an illusionary life because we don't even know who we are..but I think, the synopsis of this amazing author had set the pace and I know it will be an interesting read. I subscribe to this author's inspiration. This is indeed a master piece, well commendable. I recommend this award winning master and enjoin all to come join me read this great inspiration. The author has done an amazing job. Kudos to the author! Reviewed:Author Pattyegah Ikwue


My Name Is Eleven


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