
Review Detail of LionessLover in Unlimited Power 02 - The Ranger's Domain

Review detail


Grammar errors and weird word choices ("vigilance cameras"), weird skill names ("Eagle Eye" - no you don't see better, your bow shoots farther), weird stats (maxing pretty much only "dexterity" increases the power of his bow shots - instead of strength, which he does not raise at all(!!!) and the quality of the bow (draw weight plus strength determines the power of a bow shot and the range and penetration). Health potions manage to regrow an arm in an early chapter, a few chapters later they don't. Errors, inconsistencies, stupidity, strange behavior (that only exists in such novels).


Unlimited Power 02 - The Ranger's Domain


Liked by 4 people




I forgot one other thing: The percentage values of all the skills. Percentages are useless without knowing what the base is. I have no idea what the base is for your percentages. If accuracy is increased by 1% - compared to what base? If you increase the accuracy of bow shots for a random non-archer person (and your MC is not skilled in archery at the start, chapter 1 says it was his fathers bow and the reason he had it was because his parents died in a car crash, he himself appears to be unskilled in archery when it all starts) then even 100% increase (of a tiny value!) is insignificant! What if you double the accuracy of somebody who had no accuracy to begin with? It means nothing! On the other hand, if you mean "percent of complete perfection as base" then the upper limit of all percent-granting skills will be 100, plus you have the problem that somebody who was skilled to begin with will have a higher base than what your skill grants, and you also have an issue when two perfect (lvl 100, 100%) skills collide. The percentage-granting skills are not thought through, either they are vastly underpowered, or the power depends on the starting base of the person so skill levels are extremely individual and lvl 10 for two people could be vastly different if they start from different bases, or... well, what IS the base for your percentage skills?


Oh and about the grammar issues: I too had to learn English as a foreign language. Still, my first written creations were a lot better - I know because I still have them, early academic papers. The "secret": When unsure CHECK and research before committing to a sentence or even just a word (like your "vigilance cameras" - well, at least you get points for ingenuity). After only a few chapters you'll get noticeably better. I don't see any such improvement in your writing even after fifty chapters, so I know you did nothing of the sort. When I wrote my first papers I spent considerable time for every single paragraph, sometimes sentence, because I researched the grammar. Today you have it easy enough by using the Internet.