
Review Detail of Memento_mori in My Soul card is a Reaper

Review detail


Its completely off putting that the mc decided to stay in the past and let someone else be born as him like no explanation or even motivation for him to do this. there is also the problem of the powers in this story are very convoluted and unclear as for the author who says that itll be explained in future chapters that isn’t good for the new reader experience bc i want to try and understand this novel but im lost on a new thing being introduced every chapter and the random time skips don’t help


My Soul card is a Reaper


Liked by 3 people




I thought the explanation wouldn't be needed. But, since you pointed it out, let me explain. MC has traveled back to the past where he wasn't born yet. That means there's only one explanation that motivates him to stay there. His parents were still alive and he can change the past to save them. As for the powers, I'm not sure what you are pointing it out but I just write a chapter and publish it right then. So, I guess I might not have been clear about his powers back when I wrote these early chapters.


Yeah you definitely need to explain that because you really brushed over his parents being dead so it didn’t seem like it affected him in any way and the fact that he was happy with his Grandfather raising Makes it weird for him to suddenly care about people who he Never Really got to know

Snowstar:I thought the explanation wouldn't be needed. But, since you pointed it out, let me explain. MC has traveled back to the past where he wasn't born yet. That means there's only one explanation that motivates him to stay there. His parents were still alive and he can change the past to save them. As for the powers, I'm not sure what you are pointing it out but I just write a chapter and publish it right then. So, I guess I might not have been clear about his powers back when I wrote these early chapters.