
Review Detail of Clone_v2 in Catalyst - The Journey Begins

Review detail


I had opened the first chapter with the intention of spending the next hour or two reading the eight chapters currently available right now. I only managed to get through one chapter. The story is incredibly good, it's right up my ally. I like the characters, the dynamics between the characters, the world, really everything about the story. Catalyst- The Journey begins is a story I desperately want to read, so one is left asking why I couldn't? Despite every good word I've credited to the story, this is a bad web novel. Not because it's not imaginative, but because the author hasn't mastered the craft of writing to a level that allows the story to be transmitted to the reader. The story is written as one long paragraph with no breaks and the grammar is atrocious. Under normal circumstance, poor grammar doesn't bother me much, but this goes far beyond poor grammar. Conventions of writing are thrown away altogether. Speech marks, commas, semi-colons PARAGRAPHS! Line breaks when speech is introduced, the author utilises none of this. Uppercase letters are used where they have no business being, words are in the wrong tense, or form or place to make a logically coherent sentence. The real shame is, I honestly love the story. The story speaks to me in a way not many have, it calls to me it makes me excited. I want to be excited. I would hang off of every letter of this web novel if the letters could just be in the right place. I really hate giving bad reviews, but I feel this one is necessary, because all it'd take for this to move from 2 stars to 4-5 is for the conventions of writing to be applied. I really hope the next time I see this novel, it's changed dramatically in its form, not context, so that when I write my next review I can be the fanboy that I wanted to be from the offset.

Catalyst - The Journey Begins


Liked by 1 people




I've pulled and reposted edited chapters. Please take another look. Your feedback is very helpful and would appreciate anymore you may give. Hope you enjoy. Thanks again


Thanks so much for post and feedback. This is a unedited copy and tbh my Grammer isn't great to begin with. I'm currently working on all aspects you mentioned and will repost edited versions later.