
Review Detail of Lunox_Xonul in Hitman with a Badass System

Review detail


bruh, like everyone else, i fell for the antihero tag, but i end up with an ms with a justice complex... what a disappointment. The story itself isn't bad, and kind of readable for newbies and those who don't cringe at Mister Justice, but please remove the anti-hero tag.

Hitman with a Badass System


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If you are at the beginning of the story you should keep reading, I was reacting just like you when he saved the villagers from the evil sect and acted all goodie to the shoe but thas not the case at all, he is one of the best anti-heroes. You should give it a chance.


Nah, mc is not only a wannabe hero but also a beta simp... you will regret reading this... I certainly did


lol, he even tell his secrets to that girl. Also it's very cringe and edgy Mc later in the chapters.

Kill_Baby:If you are at the beginning of the story you should keep reading, I was reacting just like you when he saved the villagers from the evil sect and acted all goodie to the shoe but thas not the case at all, he is one of the best anti-heroes. You should give it a chance.

I do agree that sometimes the story can be a little cringe but that is the only problem I found about the novel and I guess you didn't like those cringe parts

Leo_Bassist:lol, he even tell his secrets to that girl. Also it's very cringe and edgy Mc later in the chapters.

man, i thought I was the only one who found the novel so cringe. sometimes I wonder if I am to old for novel, where everyone saying this is the best they ever read.

Leo_Bassist:lol, he even tell his secrets to that girl. Also it's very cringe and edgy Mc later in the chapters.