
Review Detail of Shallowman in The Legendary Actor

Review detail


Not really a shameless 5* review, as this novel really deserves those stars and even more. It is such a good novel that it compelled even me, the laziest dude on Earth, to start translating it. Just hope that it won't be taken down by the platform owners. If you want to read about an aspiring actor who has a cool personality and clairvoyance (of course), then this novel is your cup of tea. His interaction with real life celebrities is every bit as believable as it can possibly be for this type of novels, and also, his relationship with people close to him is really solid and makes you care for it a lot. The choice the author did when it comes to protag's love interest is pretty surprising considering that there so many attractive celebs, and yet all the more enjoyable because of it, not in spite of it. This novel will also teach you how to appreciate movies, and yep, music as well. You guessed it, our Renly will also dab in music, and dab he will.  P.S. I still can't get my head around the fact that Qidian actively ignores such a great novel. It is not like this novel is being unprofitable in China, aux contraire, it does make a lot of money. Well, not as much as Legge with IRAS, but still... right? Am I right though guys? Am I right? Give me a five!

The Legendary Actor


Liked by 66 people




bro I only got book description from qidiantu and I cant find anything on this novel please help bro

Shallowman:Well, it was created before and I just accidentally stumbled upon it, but you are welcome nonetheless. Try translating key words to Chinese and do a search at Qidian platform in China. Maybe you will also stumble upon gold, who knows, right?

Ah I know this one!! But I like "Superstar" more btw, same author. Glad someone translate it Btw check my novel also Hollywood Re:Coded


I, for myself, love his first book more, but it is just this one is his last modern entertainment novel about actors, thus more refined and calculated. Writing quality is definitely better in this one. Anyway, all of his books are great nonetheless. Just hope that others will discover that too.

BukanOrang:Ah I know this one!! But I like "Superstar" more btw, same author. Glad someone translate it Btw check my novel also Hollywood Re:Coded

One more that I like, I think its name is "great director" by same author. But I don't like the angst and depressed tone of that and the novel cancelled till 800chps or so.

Shallowman:I, for myself, love his first book more, but it is just this one is his last modern entertainment novel about actors, thus more refined and calculated. Writing quality is definitely better in this one. Anyway, all of his books are great nonetheless. Just hope that others will discover that too.

Although the author is really great at making climactic mini arcs, where you fill find yourself sobbing like a b..ch. But when you binge read you might get tired of constant drama. Fortunately or unfortunately for readers, I can only do 10ch a day max. Author writes a really quality staff, but he probably doesn’t get that readers prefer power trip and wish fulfillment over drama in most scenarios. The novel you were talking about, yeah it is more dramatic than the one i’m currently translating. The protag was a producer who got re-live two times. On his first he was an acclaimed genius producer. On his second he exacted revenge on Ryan Kavanaugh and George Clouney with deep schemes. He will be producer-cum-dorector-cum-screenwriter-cum-actor. Still a great staff to read, much better than alternatives.

BukanOrang:One more that I like, I think its name is "great director" by same author. But I don't like the angst and depressed tone of that and the novel cancelled till 800chps or so.

agreed 100% with yours. When the revenge is done, it feels empty. Like all the chapter author kept mention plan of revenge for them and boom, revenge done with anticlimatic thing. At least he got Emma Stone

Shallowman:Although the author is really great at making climactic mini arcs, where you fill find yourself sobbing like a b..ch. But when you binge read you might get tired of constant drama. Fortunately or unfortunately for readers, I can only do 10ch a day max. Author writes a really quality staff, but he probably doesn’t get that readers prefer power trip and wish fulfillment over drama in most scenarios. The novel you were talking about, yeah it is more dramatic than the one i’m currently translating. The protag was a producer who got re-live two times. On his first he was an acclaimed genius producer. On his second he exacted revenge on Ryan Kavanaugh and George Clouney with deep schemes. He will be producer-cum-dorector-cum-screenwriter-cum-actor. Still a great staff to read, much better than alternatives.

How many chapters does this novel have ? I reason, I asked this novel's name in Chinese, is to check total number of chapters and whether this novel is completed or dropped.


It is completed. Around 2.4k ch probably

Pavan1234:How many chapters does this novel have ? I reason, I asked this novel's name in Chinese, is to check total number of chapters and whether this novel is completed or dropped.

I still cannot find this novel. Can you please post Uukanshuu site of this novel

Shallowman:It is completed. Around 2.4k ch probably

I found the novel finally. Very weird Google translate Name for this novel, Big Play Bone.

Shallowman:It is completed. Around 2.4k ch probably

On mine it says Big drama bone... but yours sounds better

Pavan1234:I found the novel finally. Very weird Google translate Name for this novel, Big Play Bone.

I will wait for your translations for this novel. Since you have so many Showbiz novels, can you recommend some of good ones you read. Hope you can give Uukanshuu links. And no need fear commenting in other languages doesn't lead to any novel getting blocked.


dude continue translating this novel. if it is removed you can also post chapters on other sites, I will surely read it


Yeah, but I dont really want to become a partisan, constantly warrying against Qidian. I just want to make this novel too big to ignore in the english speaking community. Well, lets hope for the best outcome for readers, the platform, the real author, and the shabby editor (me).

John_Jiggler:dude continue translating this novel. if it is removed you can also post chapters on other sites, I will surely read it

hey #author or #editor can u recommend any good bl novels??? like the novel "the rebirth of the white robed youth.........smthng..." its awsome !!! though the author isn't updating frequently now😓 p.s: this novel is also goooood!!! keep working hard!!


Wow, you really asked the wrong guy. I’m (editor) quite knowledgeable about straight male showbiz novels, but BL is uncharted waters for me. But on the Chinese platform there should be a ton of good staff with BL + showbiz. You can only traverse this path on your own fellow daoist.

cutymegha:hey #author or #editor can u recommend any good bl novels??? like the novel "the rebirth of the white robed youth.........smthng..." its awsome !!! though the author isn't updating frequently now😓 p.s: this novel is also goooood!!! keep working hard!!

where did u find it?

Pavan1234:I found the novel finally. Very weird Google translate Name for this novel, Big Play Bone.

where did u find it

Shallowman:On mine it says Big drama bone... but yours sounds better


Electric_Jean:where did u find it

yes. Keep going.

Shallowman:Yeah, but I dont really want to become a partisan, constantly warrying against Qidian. I just want to make this novel too big to ignore in the english speaking community. Well, lets hope for the best outcome for readers, the platform, the real author, and the shabby editor (me).

#authorsama can u recommend showbiz novels then???