
Review Detail of MaloThe_Marshall in I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Review detail


So, I'm not going to write a long review here, just thought I should point something out. Webnovel is a website that has tons of horrible and sometimes outright unreadable stories that somehow average at more than four stars. I've found few stories here I enjoyed enough to read to their end. This is one of those few. But I look at the review section and see tons of reviews with far to few stars. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a masterpiece. For Webnovel's standards it might as well be.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)


Liked by 3 people




True, and the sad thing is I cant delete those stupid reviews or ill get spammed with more bad reviews saying I delete reviews. While writing on this app, ive found that people want to complain about anything, no matter how small and fickle that complaint might be, so I stopped caring about reviews altogether. Which is sad but if I start caring about them again, I’ll start fighting with annoying people that leave one star reviews for dumb reasons like the MCs name or eye color.


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