
Review Detail of Sh_U in In Bleach with a System!

Review detail


An interesting start to the story. The system doesn't seem like too much of slaave driver with no type of forced quests. The unique ability of fullbring is a mystery unless you're a shounen character that explains about own special abilities/trump card to enemies. As long as MC is pragmatic and even a bit paranoid even among the so called "allies" in his approach about his fullbring the flaw of the ability is really hard to just guess. And it is just the first of many mystical abilities I think. The Fan-fic has me hooked.

In Bleach with a System!


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Thank you very much for your kind review! Yeah, i think you'll find that the system will never really force him to do anything, almost everything is up to the MC to decide. And of course, he won't be sharing his powers flaw with no one, i hate when they do that lol.


Yes. And I just noticed the 3rd condition which makes it so that even if one figures out the flaws either they have to die to connect to outside world or the user has to die which in turn makes the knowledge useless. Just outside observation will have no chance of figuring the ability out. For all the observers it may as well be a simple ability which transfers target and user to another dimension so they can "duel". The name "Rule book" may tip some people to the basic ability but even then they would have to experience the ability to figure it out which again brings us to my first point. It is a good failsafe condition really. I don't get why some readers are complaining about the flaws when the info about flaws can't really get out. Unless given by the MC which is not possible.

KindaWeirdChampBro:Thank you very much for your kind review! Yeah, i think you'll find that the system will never really force him to do anything, almost everything is up to the MC to decide. And of course, he won't be sharing his powers flaw with no one, i hate when they do that lol.

Yes, finally! lol Thank god someone ñi ked up on that. When the MC uses that ability it's either the enemy dies or he dies, so it's not like the information could be filtered in any way. Plus, a few readers pointed out that he could abuse the rules if he brought someone weaker than him. For example, someone asked me if the MC could try to bring a hollow and make a rule about the time flowing faster inside there, then when he was done training or something, he could just kill the hollow. I don't know if i'll have him do that though, but my point is that there's an incredible amount of room to experiment with t The Rulebook.

Sh_U:Yes. And I just noticed the 3rd condition which makes it so that even if one figures out the flaws either they have to die to connect to outside world or the user has to die which in turn makes the knowledge useless. Just outside observation will have no chance of figuring the ability out. For all the observers it may as well be a simple ability which transfers target and user to another dimension so they can "duel". The name "Rule book" may tip some people to the basic ability but even then they would have to experience the ability to figure it out which again brings us to my first point. It is a good failsafe condition really. I don't get why some readers are complaining about the flaws when the info about flaws can't really get out. Unless given by the MC which is not possible.

ok because of this reply im gonna read your novel author san. .i hate when mc suddenly become a retard and tell everything to someone

KindaWeirdChampBro:Thank you very much for your kind review! Yeah, i think you'll find that the system will never really force him to do anything, almost everything is up to the MC to decide. And of course, he won't be sharing his powers flaw with no one, i hate when they do that lol.

Don't expect the MC to be overly smart though. He isn't dumb by any means but he isn't Aizen or Urahara either lol! At least i can guarantee you that he won't ever explain his powers for no reason.

AdrianVeidt:ok because of this reply im gonna read your novel author san. .i hate when mc suddenly become a retard and tell everything to someone

any romance in this?

KindaWeirdChampBro:Don't expect the MC to be overly smart though. He isn't dumb by any means but he isn't Aizen or Urahara either lol! At least i can guarantee you that he won't ever explain his powers for no reason.

how big is the harem ??