
Review Detail of aaron_randleas in Ascension of the Immortal Asura

Review detail


This is my first review for any story on Webnovel so here goes. Before I say anything else, I will say this. Read the story for yourself. I don't know how many stories I've passed up thinking they maybe bad just on what the reviews said. A lot of those stories I've gone back and tried and found they are a lot better then people give them credit for. Now this story won't be everyone's cup of tea, but you won't know till you try.Is it perfect, no. However, it is still extremely well written. Now there are some cliche parts here and there, but they add to they story more then take away. They allow the author to take an almost predictable thing and twist it to his vision. Now if this review does anything, I hope it gives potential readers a reason to at least try it. At least go till the end of the free chapters to see if it speaks to you. The story does start to pick up at that point. It allows us readers to see what the story potential will be.Again at least try. If you're anything like me, than you probably have used all free passes or are out of chapters and are waiting on more. So take the time and try for yourself. Sorry if I started to ramble, again first review.

Ascension of the Immortal Asura


Liked by 2 people




Thanks for the review. It is much appreciated.