
Review Detail of Kurama_is_tsundere in -*-Deleted-*-

Review detail


This is a MCU fanfic so it's already worth a read. I just want to mention the things that the author did to make this work unique/different from the rest 1. The power bestowed upon the MC is something which I haven't read before. So kudos for that 👍. 2. The author didn't rush to get to meat of the story (I mean the MCU part) he took his time developed the characters really well both the MC and his parents. I know the orphanage might not be mentioned again in the story but his growth and interaction with the characters in the orphanage felt real to me. I was hooked on this novel from that point onwards. 3. Some stuff might be factually incorrect like the price of developing a guided missile but that is nothing compared to hidden gem this story is. The grammar is amazing and it is very easy understand. 4. The MC got superpowers but he won't be hero or vigilante just for sake of it.. I HAVE ONLY ONE COMPLAINT THE UPDATES ARE A LITTLE HERE AND THERE. WE NEED MORE 😭 PLEASE 🥺. You are doing an excellent job author 👍.



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With a heavy heart I am writing this but this work will no longer be updated on this site. It has been taken down and moved to some other site. Mainly because of haters, and some other russian site which was posting fic on there site for money. Which is plain wrong. Sad to say till now I have been unable to find this novel. Author if you read this please just message me some way to contact you just wanna know where can I read this again. Good luck with your writing. Good bye 👋


Yeah I was quite enjoying the story, it's sad to see it end so abruptly. It comes with the territory though, he could've done lots of stuff instead of quit. Frankly, I would've understood it more, if he just said he got bored of the story or something. But Haters? He could just not read the comments, or simply delete them. I think he just got caught up in all of the hate. I mean my fic isn't as good as his, and he's definitely a better writer. But to stop writing because of something like this? It's not healthy to have that kind of mentality, when you're dealing with a bunch of people who are protected by their anonymity. Sigh. I'm saddened by these events and I hope the author could tell us where we can find this story. Because I've searched for it quite a bit, and I haven't got any luck in finding it.

Kurama_is_tsundere:With a heavy heart I am writing this but this work will no longer be updated on this site. It has been taken down and moved to some other site. Mainly because of haters, and some other russian site which was posting fic on there site for money. Which is plain wrong. Sad to say till now I have been unable to find this novel. Author if you read this please just message me some way to contact you just wanna know where can I read this again. Good luck with your writing. Good bye 👋

And it wasn't just haters he couldn't take it when people were giving him legit Criticism.

Anubis_Creationz:Yeah I was quite enjoying the story, it's sad to see it end so abruptly. It comes with the territory though, he could've done lots of stuff instead of quit. Frankly, I would've understood it more, if he just said he got bored of the story or something. But Haters? He could just not read the comments, or simply delete them. I think he just got caught up in all of the hate. I mean my fic isn't as good as his, and he's definitely a better writer. But to stop writing because of something like this? It's not healthy to have that kind of mentality, when you're dealing with a bunch of people who are protected by their anonymity. Sigh. I'm saddened by these events and I hope the author could tell us where we can find this story. Because I've searched for it quite a bit, and I haven't got any luck in finding it.

Well the way I see it, you can't have control over what other people say or do, you can only have control over your own actions and behavior. But, I do understand where he's coming from, there were plenty of times, when I felt like quiting writing my own story, because of hate comments or what, not but It would go away after a few days and I'd get back into it. And start writing again. I love fanfictions, and webnovels and the feeling you sometimes get, when you read a really good is just the best. I hope I can someday inspire thag feeling in someone who reads my story.

jhsilver:And it wasn't just haters he couldn't take it when people were giving him legit Criticism.