
Review Detail of notlair in -*-Deleted-*-

Review detail


Why are the reviews on this book so high? Are you all alternative account of the author's friends or the author himself/herself ? Updating stability is the only 5 star I rated, rest is 1 or 2 star, The book is written like a prolouge, it just tells the happening, it doesn't show what's the event of the book. Its also in first person the whole time. Bland is what describes this book the best.



Liked by 24 people




I like the book very much actually and think the only bad thing is the update stability, too slow in my opnion.


'Are you all alternative account of the author's friends or the author himself/herself ?' None of my friends are readers. One of them sleeps as soon as they see book, and the others run like plague seeing books. So you think my friends would come in a reading platform like this grinding to level 3 or higher to review a book that wasn't even 2 weeks old? Not to mention me having so many high level accounts to self review. The only friend i have that have the hobby of reading in this platform is an author himself called Elord. and i will assure you that he hasn't posted a review much less a comment on this novel. No those people are reading and reviewing because they like the style of my writing along with it mainly being a MCU fanfic. So what if i wanted to write it blandly and in first person? I wanted to try writing a story like a prologue and in the first person. I experimented with few POV's, 3rd person, different styles and i am crap at it. that is why i changed to first person. Belive me i tried otherwise i won't have 100+ chapters stockpiled before i release it. Also please explain wat do you mean by event of the book? If you mean changes to the MCU storyline and something different then I did state in my synopsis and cautioned all my readers numerous times in certain chapters that the plot of mcu won't change. as for update, i haven't promised anyone any sort of updating schedule so don't give me credit for updating please. I post when i like and when i feel.


nah I just like it


About the alternative accounts, that's just a rhetorical question, addressing the low standard of this books reviewers. What do you mean "so what"? As a reader I have the ability to review and criticize, so when I saw a poorly constructed story full with braindead reviews, I just pointed it out. If you honestly want to improve, search the internet for proper story making.

I_am_potato_lord:'Are you all alternative account of the author's friends or the author himself/herself ?' None of my friends are readers. One of them sleeps as soon as they see book, and the others run like plague seeing books. So you think my friends would come in a reading platform like this grinding to level 3 or higher to review a book that wasn't even 2 weeks old? Not to mention me having so many high level accounts to self review. The only friend i have that have the hobby of reading in this platform is an author himself called Elord. and i will assure you that he hasn't posted a review much less a comment on this novel. No those people are reading and reviewing because they like the style of my writing along with it mainly being a MCU fanfic. So what if i wanted to write it blandly and in first person? I wanted to try writing a story like a prologue and in the first person. I experimented with few POV's, 3rd person, different styles and i am crap at it. that is why i changed to first person. Belive me i tried otherwise i won't have 100+ chapters stockpiled before i release it. Also please explain wat do you mean by event of the book? If you mean changes to the MCU storyline and something different then I did state in my synopsis and cautioned all my readers numerous times in certain chapters that the plot of mcu won't change. as for update, i haven't promised anyone any sort of updating schedule so don't give me credit for updating please. I post when i like and when i feel.

Sorry about criticising you but my anger took control of me when u suggested i used fake reviews. I have researched and experimented different styles and this is the style that i like writing in. If i chose to write in a different style my whole flow gets messed up. And trust me when i said i tried it. I had to delete at least 10000 words of content becuz of writing in a diffferent style messed up my flow.

notlair:About the alternative accounts, that's just a rhetorical question, addressing the low standard of this books reviewers. What do you mean "so what"? As a reader I have the ability to review and criticize, so when I saw a poorly constructed story full with braindead reviews, I just pointed it out. If you honestly want to improve, search the internet for proper story making.

Honestly, I guess see it as a long prologue to skip the childhood as well as introduce the MC's powers before the actual content starts but tbh I like it. The content is rather shallow but I guess it's like a breath of fresh air and is kinda novel so people are rating it highly.

notlair:About the alternative accounts, that's just a rhetorical question, addressing the low standard of this books reviewers. What do you mean "so what"? As a reader I have the ability to review and criticize, so when I saw a poorly constructed story full with braindead reviews, I just pointed it out. If you honestly want to improve, search the internet for proper story making.

Cuz it kinda is. Usually ff authors tends to fast phase their story in the first few chap to skip the borin part. Then they will slow it down when they got to a specific time line or when its time for the mc to touch the plot of the world he is in. If not then we will have to read mc’s day to day life until he graduate from college. and theres no ‘marvel’ related stuff in it he just train and discover his power. Mc did not even meet someone from the marvel cast(even side char). So... yah


Some people like books written like this.


This is frankly hilarious, if you want to read a professionally authored novel I don't think this site is for you. Most of the high ranking novels on this site are all ******* works (and that's completely fine). And the reason this book has high reviews is most probably a combination of the Marvel tag and the different powerset of the MC.

notlair:About the alternative accounts, that's just a rhetorical question, addressing the low standard of this books reviewers. What do you mean "so what"? As a reader I have the ability to review and criticize, so when I saw a poorly constructed story full with braindead reviews, I just pointed it out. If you honestly want to improve, search the internet for proper story making.

Can't believe A-m-a-t-e-u-r is censored lol.

DarkPrimusX:This is frankly hilarious, if you want to read a professionally authored novel I don't think this site is for you. Most of the high ranking novels on this site are all ******* works (and that's completely fine). And the reason this book has high reviews is most probably a combination of the Marvel tag and the different powerset of the MC.

Dont get me wrong: I dont think that this story derserves a low rating. The reason for that is: just look at the top 20 New Fanfic chart, there are some really trash stories with bad grammer. If this story is worth 2 stars, then most of the top 20 Fanfics are -5 stars....


Maybe he means G-a-r-b-a-g-e, lol

DarkPrimusX:Can't believe A-m-a-t-e-u-r is censored lol.

Ummmm... you do realize it’s the same guy...right?

lostboy859:Maybe he means G-a-r-b-a-g-e, lol

don't worry about that man keep up the good work i need more plz Can you tell me where to find where you moved this book or can you tell me the new name?

I_am_potato_lord:Sorry about criticising you but my anger took control of me when u suggested i used fake reviews. I have researched and experimented different styles and this is the style that i like writing in. If i chose to write in a different style my whole flow gets messed up. And trust me when i said i tried it. I had to delete at least 10000 words of content becuz of writing in a diffferent style messed up my flow.

there are 96 chapters on royal road. but he stopped uploading 4 months ago.

proganerx_Dave:don't worry about that man keep up the good work i need more plz Can you tell me where to find where you moved this book or can you tell me the new name?