
Review Detail of jeanpierregerardo in ( BNHA) I love to pretend I'm a hero

Review detail


ojala nunca dejes esta historia y la de "to love ru" son los dos mejores que los dejastes en la mejor parte , ojala algun dia actualizes de "to love ru" o soltar muchos capitulos y despues concentrarte en este y tu otra nueva historia.


( BNHA) I love to pretend I'm a hero


Liked by 3 people




If you're interested in the bakugan, someone wrote a fanfic about the bakugan and it made me feel very nostalgic. The fanfic is called "bakugan: rise of the half bakugan", if you have time, I would appreciate it if you could take a look and write your personal opinions in the comments. they are called authors, but their articles do not stand out because there is not much interaction. I'm a writer too, so I'm posting some fanfictions with comments so you can feel better. I am writing this message because I am afraid that if he feels that what he has written is not taken into account, he will leave. If you enjoy this fanfic like me, you will make me very happy if you direct others to this fanfic. Thanks if you've read this far. (and my english is not very good so sorry for the typos.)