
Review Detail of Xhaare in The Earth Is My Dantian

Review detail


No wait. I read that wrong right? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. My god this is a new low. for those that are curious why people are screaming racism and nationalism isn’t because the author shows favorites. No no no... the author states that Not only does the Earth he has in his Dantian have only Chinese, the author states that the MC wishes he couldndestroy the countries and empires he doesn’t like. Yet, this is a novel. Which means it’s written by an AUTHOR. The only country and people that exist within his EARTH are CHINESE. Which implies one thing: The countries and empires he wishes he could destroy? The author already did. He completely removed EVERY other culture of Earth. Which means the author isn’t just racist. He is a physco. This... is just not okay. Especially how the FOLLOWING paragraph when the MC’s inner thoughts state that it’s good because no one else besides the Chinese would understand cultivation anyway. I find that worse than the wishful genoci*e. We are readers. I am a reader. Who LOVES eastern fantasy. I like it because it is much more detailed than Magic. I have read dozens of eastern fantasy novels. With how much I have read of eastern fantasy, I might sadly be able to say I know more about Buddhism and Daosim than my own religion. I am American. I was belittled by the Author. Qidian, this one should have been flagged.

The Earth Is My Dantian

Girl in Short Skirt

Liked by 287 people




thanks, do you have any others and where can I read them

Drokokin35:the part about it being much more detailed than magic just isn't true though it just means you haven't read the right western novels there are a lot of really good books out there with magic systems 100 times more complicated then any cultivation novel I have read for some unique examples take any of brandon Sandersons work or take the earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin or the dying earth by Jack Vance and looking at it from a world building and lore prospective few eastern novels come close to many western novels that's not to say there are no good eastern novels that's just to say that the way eastern novels are written and marketed creates a much higher degree of cliches and repetition in their storys

the part about it being much more detailed than magic just isn't true though it just means you haven't read the right western novels there are a lot of really good books out there with magic systems 100 times more complicated then any cultivation novel I have read for some unique examples take any of brandon Sandersons work or take the earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin or the dying earth by Jack Vance and looking at it from a world building and lore prospective few eastern novels come close to many western novels that's not to say there are no good eastern novels that's just to say that the way eastern novels are written and marketed creates a much higher degree of cliches and repetition in their storys


I do admit I haven’t read enough Magic novels. Some of them are truly complicated. End of the Magic Era was one such novel. I guess I should reitterate: In general, I like the wide scope of the uses of immortal cultivation depicted in the average novel. I’ve never read a great magic novel, mostly because I’ve been reading manly Asian translated novels. Besides End of the Magic Era which is a good system for power levels and uses of magic, the rest have been too linear to me. (I started reading four years ago through the Tales of Demons and Gods manga, wanted to read the story when I caught up in the manga). Which would probably attribute to my slight bias. Most of the magic novels besides one or two that I’ve read usually along the lines of this: Stage one magician can use Lesser Fireball. Stage Two, Fireball. Stage Three, Greater Fireball.... Stage Nine, Great Apocolyptic Fire Dragon of The Lord Sun God, Praise the Sun. They lack a depth, and they seem predetermined. Because the spells used always get ridiculous due to the lack of simply being able to name them, giving them a hard capped ceiling for power levels. Whereas in Eastern Fantasy Novels, most of them have a very high ceiling on power levels. Like I said, I am also lacking in knowledge as I have read hundreds, probably in the thousands of translations by now. (Including novels I dropped at like chapter 10). So, I am probably biased. Most magic novels I’ve read have a too linear progression. If you have recommendstions on one to get started with, please enlighten me.

Drokokin35:the part about it being much more detailed than magic just isn't true though it just means you haven't read the right western novels there are a lot of really good books out there with magic systems 100 times more complicated then any cultivation novel I have read for some unique examples take any of brandon Sandersons work or take the earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin or the dying earth by Jack Vance and looking at it from a world building and lore prospective few eastern novels come close to many western novels that's not to say there are no good eastern novels that's just to say that the way eastern novels are written and marketed creates a much higher degree of cliches and repetition in their storys

it really depends on what your looking for a hard magic system with very clearly defined rules then read any of brandon Sanderson works. if you are looking for more unique magic systems read some of the other novels I provided for examples in my previous post. other novels really depend on what your looking for while the other novels are really unique I recommend you search online for a proper review of the I will recommend some novels and provide a short description of thier magic systems and if they interest you you should check them out

Xhaare:I do admit I haven’t read enough Magic novels. Some of them are truly complicated. End of the Magic Era was one such novel. I guess I should reitterate: In general, I like the wide scope of the uses of immortal cultivation depicted in the average novel. I’ve never read a great magic novel, mostly because I’ve been reading manly Asian translated novels. Besides End of the Magic Era which is a good system for power levels and uses of magic, the rest have been too linear to me. (I started reading four years ago through the Tales of Demons and Gods manga, wanted to read the story when I caught up in the manga). Which would probably attribute to my slight bias. Most of the magic novels besides one or two that I’ve read usually along the lines of this: Stage one magician can use Lesser Fireball. Stage Two, Fireball. Stage Three, Greater Fireball.... Stage Nine, Great Apocolyptic Fire Dragon of The Lord Sun God, Praise the Sun. They lack a depth, and they seem predetermined. Because the spells used always get ridiculous due to the lack of simply being able to name them, giving them a hard capped ceiling for power levels. Whereas in Eastern Fantasy Novels, most of them have a very high ceiling on power levels. Like I said, I am also lacking in knowledge as I have read hundreds, probably in the thousands of translations by now. (Including novels I dropped at like chapter 10). So, I am probably biased. Most magic novels I’ve read have a too linear progression. If you have recommendstions on one to get started with, please enlighten me.

Much appreciated. Maybe it’s hightime I move out of translated novels... I guess I will start there.

Drokokin35:it really depends on what your looking for a hard magic system with very clearly defined rules then read any of brandon Sanderson works. if you are looking for more unique magic systems read some of the other novels I provided for examples in my previous post. other novels really depend on what your looking for while the other novels are really unique I recommend you search online for a proper review of the I will recommend some novels and provide a short description of thier magic systems and if they interest you you should check them out

here are the rest of my recommendations as I have stated before you should read reviews on them to see if it fits your preference Lightbringer a series where magic is color based and people wield the light to invoke magic with different effects Godless by Ben Peak it's about a magic system that comes from the gods except the gods are all dead so to cast Magic means that one is already been corrupted by the essence of one of the many dead gods and you will probably die a horrible death soon because while the human body is god-like enough to express magic it's not generally Godlike enough to survive its expression The horns of ruin by Tim Akers God's become Gods by doing Godly things power comes from Emily in the gods and the Deeds that made them users involved in memories of the Gods actions quoting from history's using tools and weapons that match those of their God and ranking events so they more closely match what happened at the event they are invoking Chronicles of Kydan by Simon Brown magic comes from sacrifice specifically sacrifice of something that you love kill a pet you've raced for years gain enough power for small workings kill another human you have been raised alongside your whole life and no better than any one else gain the power to wipe a city off the map what do you love enough and what would you sacrifice them for His dark materials is a good book series to read starting with a book you might be familiar with just from the name as it has had a movie adaptation The Golden Compass of course the book is a hundred times better than the movie and the serious is a whole is really good and has a very unique Magic system The Earthsea cycle series may or may not be for you if you get easily bored if there is no action four stretched peiriod Of time then book series may not be for you however out of all the books I recommend here today this is the one I must hastily recommend to really anyone who will listen as it's a wonderfully written series that explores a lot of morality and spiritually challenging topics that are centered around the metaphysical it's a very good read however as I said before if you cannot take relatively long sections of time without any high octane action the type where the protagonist overwhelms dozens of other enemies then this book is probably not for you however I would look it up on Goodreads specifically the first book as long as the one you should start from called a wizard of Earthsea if you read the reviews there and find you might not like the book based on your preferences then don't pick it up

Xhaare:Much appreciated. Maybe it’s hightime I move out of translated novels... I guess I will start there.

honestly don't understand why everyone always blames the author in all reality if you don't like the novel then don't read it no one wants to hear complaining of the author how would you feel if you actually wrote something and put your heart and soul into it just to be criticized on a f****** app that's free get a life seriously guys


So, comment and review section existence is useless?.

Dustin_Sebo_9450:honestly don't understand why everyone always blames the author in all reality if you don't like the novel then don't read it no one wants to hear complaining of the author how would you feel if you actually wrote something and put your heart and soul into it just to be criticized on a f****** app that's free get a life seriously guys

Do you read Warlock of Magus World and Age of Adepts? Cause if.you not, as a reader that just sad.

Xhaare:I do admit I haven’t read enough Magic novels. Some of them are truly complicated. End of the Magic Era was one such novel. I guess I should reitterate: In general, I like the wide scope of the uses of immortal cultivation depicted in the average novel. I’ve never read a great magic novel, mostly because I’ve been reading manly Asian translated novels. Besides End of the Magic Era which is a good system for power levels and uses of magic, the rest have been too linear to me. (I started reading four years ago through the Tales of Demons and Gods manga, wanted to read the story when I caught up in the manga). Which would probably attribute to my slight bias. Most of the magic novels besides one or two that I’ve read usually along the lines of this: Stage one magician can use Lesser Fireball. Stage Two, Fireball. Stage Three, Greater Fireball.... Stage Nine, Great Apocolyptic Fire Dragon of The Lord Sun God, Praise the Sun. They lack a depth, and they seem predetermined. Because the spells used always get ridiculous due to the lack of simply being able to name them, giving them a hard capped ceiling for power levels. Whereas in Eastern Fantasy Novels, most of them have a very high ceiling on power levels. Like I said, I am also lacking in knowledge as I have read hundreds, probably in the thousands of translations by now. (Including novels I dropped at like chapter 10). So, I am probably biased. Most magic novels I’ve read have a too linear progression. If you have recommendstions on one to get started with, please enlighten me.

It’s been years. I should probably catch up on Adepts, if not re read it.

MagicSand:Do you read Warlock of Magus World and Age of Adepts? Cause if.you not, as a reader that just sad.

the fact that you wrote this reply means you either didn't read the full review or you didn't understand

Dustin_Sebo_9450:honestly don't understand why everyone always blames the author in all reality if you don't like the novel then don't read it no one wants to hear complaining of the author how would you feel if you actually wrote something and put your heart and soul into it just to be criticized on a f****** app that's free get a life seriously guys

Meh, it depends, both magic and cultivation stuff are complicated, it just depends on your opinion on which is more complicated, like, I think cultivation stuff is more complicated, but some people might think magic stuff is more complicated. It just depends on your opinion.

Drokokin35:the part about it being much more detailed than magic just isn't true though it just means you haven't read the right western novels there are a lot of really good books out there with magic systems 100 times more complicated then any cultivation novel I have read for some unique examples take any of brandon Sandersons work or take the earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin or the dying earth by Jack Vance and looking at it from a world building and lore prospective few eastern novels come close to many western novels that's not to say there are no good eastern novels that's just to say that the way eastern novels are written and marketed creates a much higher degree of cliches and repetition in their storys



its still not okay.. its never okay to be a rasist.. and yes i would blame the author he was the one putting it in the story.. some people gets blamed for post they make or twits they make or for things they say.. people some times need to think twice and some times more before they put something out there, because when it is out, it can never come back and it can follow you for the rest of your life.. and every one in this day and age is allowed to say something about it.. and yes even i make this mistake..

The content has been deleted

Bro, you are very correct. However, as an Asian (an Indian), allow me to state some points: 01. The novels you're talking about are not easily accessible web novels. I like web novels because it's junk food for the mind. I don't have to keep my mind sharp and alert when I'm reading it. With web novels it's all kind of shiet, so you can allow yourself to be lazy. 02. Western novels feel very... western, I guess. In Asia, different countries have very different cultures. For example, Indian, Chinese and Korean cultures and languages, etc. are very different. However, they all in the end have similar basic concepts, like maintaining strict hierarchy based on seniority of age, etc. Since popular web novels (on webnovel)are written mostly by Chinese authors, their stories are far more relatable for me than even Harry Potter or any other western novels. 03. Web novels are not about logic and details, but about wish-fulfillment. For example, in Release That Witch, the extent in which Roland can remember chemical equations and chemistry in general is very difficult to accept. But it satisfies the readers, so who cares? In a web novel, logic should only be logical to the extent where the reader feels satisfied. There might be more points but I can't think of them right now...

Drokokin35:the part about it being much more detailed than magic just isn't true though it just means you haven't read the right western novels there are a lot of really good books out there with magic systems 100 times more complicated then any cultivation novel I have read for some unique examples take any of brandon Sandersons work or take the earthsea series by Ursula K Le Guin or the dying earth by Jack Vance and looking at it from a world building and lore prospective few eastern novels come close to many western novels that's not to say there are no good eastern novels that's just to say that the way eastern novels are written and marketed creates a much higher degree of cliches and repetition in their storys

You're correct bro! No matter the reason, as adults you have to bear the consequences whether they are good or bad.

ikka:its still not okay.. its never okay to be a rasist.. and yes i would blame the author he was the one putting it in the story.. some people gets blamed for post they make or twits they make or for things they say.. people some times need to think twice and some times more before they put something out there, because when it is out, it can never come back and it can follow you for the rest of your life.. and every one in this day and age is allowed to say something about it.. and yes even i make this mistake..

while I may be comparing two different types of literature webnovels add novels that are published in book format the prevailing and most popular style of books in China are web novels and I am talking about China here as most of the novels on this site are from them and this is the reason I find comparing the two acceptable as they are both the most popular forms of reading currently available of course the Western webnovel specifically the style of novels on this site have been increasing in recent years however published books are still significantly more popular for your second point I feel you have missed the original reason I wrote my post I was responding to the Op providing my take on his opinion that cultivation novels are just more detailed and complex then magic novels and of course I was mainly talking about western novels as that is where most magic novels come from and I was opposing the View that cultivation novels are generally more complex and unique then Western magic novels that's not to say there aren't any great and unique cultivation novels specifically cultivation novels as I was not speaking about all Eastern literature that was not commenting on the enjoyment level one would have reading those novels based on what culture they grew up in if you grow up in a culture of course novels written by that culture would resonate more with you I was just challenging the notion then magic systems in novels especially western novels are not that unique as for your third point I heartily disagree not all web novels are just about wish fulfillment there are many great webnovels out there that are not just about wish fulfillment the reason (and I don't know if I touched on this in my original comment) this is is because web novels are the most popular form of literature in China specifically and they cater more towards a repetitive and cliche plot as the more post they output the more money they make of course despite this they're still great web novels out there that do not have a cliche plots and thus saying that web novels are just wish fulfillment is underselling and doing them a disservice

Daoist_Paradox:Bro, you are very correct. However, as an Asian (an Indian), allow me to state some points: 01. The novels you're talking about are not easily accessible web novels. I like web novels because it's junk food for the mind. I don't have to keep my mind sharp and alert when I'm reading it. With web novels it's all kind of shiet, so you can allow yourself to be lazy. 02. Western novels feel very... western, I guess. In Asia, different countries have very different cultures. For example, Indian, Chinese and Korean cultures and languages, etc. are very different. However, they all in the end have similar basic concepts, like maintaining strict hierarchy based on seniority of age, etc. Since popular web novels (on webnovel)are written mostly by Chinese authors, their stories are far more relatable for me than even Harry Potter or any other western novels. 03. Web novels are not about logic and details, but about wish-fulfillment. For example, in Release That Witch, the extent in which Roland can remember chemical equations and chemistry in general is very difficult to accept. But it satisfies the readers, so who cares? In a web novel, logic should only be logical to the extent where the reader feels satisfied. There might be more points but I can't think of them right now...

sorry for the spelling and grammatical mistakes I was using speech to text as I had a lot to write down

Drokokin35:while I may be comparing two different types of literature webnovels add novels that are published in book format the prevailing and most popular style of books in China are web novels and I am talking about China here as most of the novels on this site are from them and this is the reason I find comparing the two acceptable as they are both the most popular forms of reading currently available of course the Western webnovel specifically the style of novels on this site have been increasing in recent years however published books are still significantly more popular for your second point I feel you have missed the original reason I wrote my post I was responding to the Op providing my take on his opinion that cultivation novels are just more detailed and complex then magic novels and of course I was mainly talking about western novels as that is where most magic novels come from and I was opposing the View that cultivation novels are generally more complex and unique then Western magic novels that's not to say there aren't any great and unique cultivation novels specifically cultivation novels as I was not speaking about all Eastern literature that was not commenting on the enjoyment level one would have reading those novels based on what culture they grew up in if you grow up in a culture of course novels written by that culture would resonate more with you I was just challenging the notion then magic systems in novels especially western novels are not that unique as for your third point I heartily disagree not all web novels are just about wish fulfillment there are many great webnovels out there that are not just about wish fulfillment the reason (and I don't know if I touched on this in my original comment) this is is because web novels are the most popular form of literature in China specifically and they cater more towards a repetitive and cliche plot as the more post they output the more money they make of course despite this they're still great web novels out there that do not have a cliche plots and thus saying that web novels are just wish fulfillment is underselling and doing them a disservice

you're right about the third part. there are novels like the wandering inn, goblin's tale (i think that was the name), etc. however i still think that a web novel focusing on wish-fulfillment would have more chance of being a commercial success than simply good novels. (unless someone creates a movie based on it) of course, my logic might be flawed, please comment and enlighten me!

Drokokin35:while I may be comparing two different types of literature webnovels add novels that are published in book format the prevailing and most popular style of books in China are web novels and I am talking about China here as most of the novels on this site are from them and this is the reason I find comparing the two acceptable as they are both the most popular forms of reading currently available of course the Western webnovel specifically the style of novels on this site have been increasing in recent years however published books are still significantly more popular for your second point I feel you have missed the original reason I wrote my post I was responding to the Op providing my take on his opinion that cultivation novels are just more detailed and complex then magic novels and of course I was mainly talking about western novels as that is where most magic novels come from and I was opposing the View that cultivation novels are generally more complex and unique then Western magic novels that's not to say there aren't any great and unique cultivation novels specifically cultivation novels as I was not speaking about all Eastern literature that was not commenting on the enjoyment level one would have reading those novels based on what culture they grew up in if you grow up in a culture of course novels written by that culture would resonate more with you I was just challenging the notion then magic systems in novels especially western novels are not that unique as for your third point I heartily disagree not all web novels are just about wish fulfillment there are many great webnovels out there that are not just about wish fulfillment the reason (and I don't know if I touched on this in my original comment) this is is because web novels are the most popular form of literature in China specifically and they cater more towards a repetitive and cliche plot as the more post they output the more money they make of course despite this they're still great web novels out there that do not have a cliche plots and thus saying that web novels are just wish fulfillment is underselling and doing them a disservice

of course webnovels that are about wish fulfillment having more commercially viable chance of making it that's just the effect of the style of monetization is that web novels in China use I was just trying to state that webnovels as a whole shouldn't be judged for the flawed Style that these monetization practices promote as there are still some good web novels out there in fact there are a lot of good ones and I am only talking how about Chinese web novels when I was replying to your third point Western webnovels are whole different can of worms and they have their own flaws as well

Daoist_Paradox:you're right about the third part. there are novels like the wandering inn, goblin's tale (i think that was the name), etc. however i still think that a web novel focusing on wish-fulfillment would have more chance of being a commercial success than simply good novels. (unless someone creates a movie based on it) of course, my logic might be flawed, please comment and enlighten me!

and merits as well

Drokokin35:of course webnovels that are about wish fulfillment having more commercially viable chance of making it that's just the effect of the style of monetization is that web novels in China use I was just trying to state that webnovels as a whole shouldn't be judged for the flawed Style that these monetization practices promote as there are still some good web novels out there in fact there are a lot of good ones and I am only talking how about Chinese web novels when I was replying to your third point Western webnovels are whole different can of worms and they have their own flaws as well