
Review Detail of Crimmy_217 in Imperial Phoenix Rules

Review detail


I only put one star on the character since I don't know them well yet also with the update and just stopped at chp 19 cuz em poor at tickets in unlocking the chapters basically This is an incomplete review SPOILER! (not sure if it's really a spoiler though) The story are like the one who fell then stumble upon a MYSTERIOUS coffin *insert in detective voice then unlock some restrictions of it or some spell binder of it (not sure if a name it right) then an another version of aurora/very descriptive handsome man caught the mc's eyes then walla you know what's next the thing here is...THEY progress in an abnormal rate for me like its too sudden and how revenge is quite easy for her (though I only reached chp 19) it's way too fast for me That's all I can say depends on you if you want to continue


Imperial Phoenix Rules

Mo Qianlan

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